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Jimin's P.O.V

I smiled widely as I squealed, staring at Jungkook and Taehyung who were staring back at me with wide eyes.


I squealed harder as I clapped my hands in excitement.

I cleared my throat, trying to keep my composure as I crossed my arms with a smirk. "Care to explain what's going on?" I asked since I clearly know what's happening.

They pulled away from each other as they began stuttering.

"A-ah, well- you see-"

"Jungkook here-"

"H-he was just-"

"Helping! Y-yeah, helping.. haha.."

They both laughed nervously as they rubbed the back of their necks.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Mhm~ well, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Jimin!" Jungkook screeched.

"It's hyung to you. And since both of your are busy at the moment, you can continue." I said as I flew a kiss at them, beginning to run out of the kitchen before Jungkook starts catching up to me.


Taehyung's P.O.V

"Ready?" I asked, turning to Jungkook who looked tense.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered.

I chuckled, holding onto his hand to reassure him.

"Just relax, i'm here." I assured with a soft smile.

He turned to me and smiled back, mouthing a thank you as I knocked on the door, coming inside with Jungkook.

When I was about to pull my hand away, thinking that Jungkook wasn't comfortable with it, he suddenly gripped onto my hand tighter.

"What brings the two of you here?" Mr. Jeon asked.

Me and Jungkook turned to each other as we then looked back to them. "Uh.. Father, is it ok if we keep this marriage a secret?"

They both raised their eyebrows as their eyes landed on our hands.

They then turned to each other and smiled, turning back to us.

"Both of you seem to be getting along, why do you want to keep this wedding from the public?" Mr. Jeon asked.

"Appa, the public would react negatively to a gay marriage, especially if it's with two heirs of a big company. It would ruin the company's reputation." Jungkook reasoned.

Although that wasn't the main reason, he was right about that.

They thought for a moment. "That is true, but there's probably another reason why you want to keep it a secret."

Jungkook then let go of my hand as he played with the hem of his shirt, looking down.

"We're not ready about announcing it yet, and.. I don't want to get Taehyung in trouble because of me.." he answered truthfully.

I stared at him taken aback until I smiled warmly, turning back to the two.

"Father.. I also don't want to bring trouble for Jungkook." I said.

"B-but..! We'll make it public once things are settled..!" He said.

Mr. Jeon then chuckled and hummed. "Alright. Whatever makes the two of you comfortable, then we'll keep it a secret. Both of you can probably start to ask friends to help plan the wedding, it would be by next month, so both of you can still have time to get to know each other more."

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