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Author's P.O.V

"What happened to you?" Jaehyun asked, causing the other workers to turn their attentions back to Soolin who had come inside the cafeteria once again, but it was obvious that she cried.

"Mr. Kim... is married.." she mumbled through the silent cafeteria.

The employees processed the information as they looked at Soolin in disbelief.

"What?!" They all yelled in unison.

"Are you sure? There was no news about him being married though.." one spoke as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I saw it! There was this silver wedding band on his ring finger!" Soolin answered.

"If that's the case.. who could it even be?"

"Obviously it would be Mr. Jeon, I mean, they only started hanging out since 4 months ago and it all started from there." Jaehyun said, crossing his legs.

Well, Jaehyun wasn't entirely the type to ship two people without evident proof to do so, but he could already see the signs and even the connection between the two young men.

"How can you be sure? Yeah they've been seen 4 months ago, how would they marry if they only know each other for 4 months?" One pointed.

Jaehyun shrugged. "That's why there are these kind of marriages that are hidden, arranged, etc." He reasoned, making everyone turn to each other, realizing that he had a point.

"No, I refuse to accept this! Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kim are NOT married! Never in a million years would they-"

"Ever be a couple? Hm, i've heard something familiar too. Never in a million years would I believe that Mr. Kim actually loves you." Jaehyun shot back with a smirk.

The doors then opened, causing everyone to turn to the people.

Only for their eyes to widen in shock when they saw Jungkook and Taehyung at the door, surprise completely scribbled all over their faces.

Well, Jimin is with them too, but hey, he had this proud look directed to Jaehyun.

Jungkook frowned. "What's going on here?"

They stood up and bowed to greet them while they did the same back.

"Sir, we were just-" Jaehyun was cut off when Soolin soon pointed at Taehyung's hand.


Jungkook's eyes twitched in annoyance as he tightly clenched his jaw.

When Jungkook was about to say something, he was cut off when Soolin's eyes had landed onto his hand where the wedding ring he has on is identical to Taehyung's.

Everyone's eyes travelled down to what Soolin was looking at and weren't exactly surprised.

They already had a hunch it was true, and they pretty much think that the two were a great couple.

They've probably figured out much of it, but since they hadn't officially announce it, they kept their mouths silent, waiting for them to admit it voluntarily.

They were patient enough to wait for it, they didn't have the intention to force them of saying anything either way.

"No way..." Soolin breathed out as she slowly shook her head.

"Mr. Jeon... please tell me this is some kind of joke.. why would you steal my Taehyung away from me..?" She asked, hurt.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and frowned deeply.

"Since when was he ever yours?" Jimin stepped in, raising an eyebrow.

"He is mine ever since I set my eyes on him! Who is Mr. Jeon to take away what's mine?!" She screamed, clenching her fists tightly.

"First off, Who even are you to call him yours?" Jungkook shot with a glare.

Jungkook approached her, towering over her shorter figure as he stared down at her with hard eyes.

"Secondly, you can tell me he's yours when both of you had a history together." Jungkook pointed.

"And lastly, I don't recall me and Appa hiring such a delusional and barbaric woman as one of our staff." He finished.

Jimin hummed, going behind Jungkook, resting his shoulder on the younger.

"Take a breath Jungkook. You ruined my appetite by scaring the shit out of my stomach." Jimin said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes until Taehyung went beside him, taking Jungkook's hand in his.

Taehyung turned to the workers with a soft smile as he put his pointer finger over his lips.

"Let's keep this a secret for now, shall we? There will be a press conference that would be held soon, we'll announce everything there." He said, the smile never leaving his face as he went out with Jungkook.

When Jimin was about to follow, he stopped as his phone started ringing.

He answered the call once he found out that the caller was no other than Jungkook's father.

"Hello uncle?"

"Hello Jimin, I saw your message earlier, let me speak with the troublemaker. Such attitude is something the company is not supposed to be tolerated."

I hummed, handing the phone to Soolin, mouthing that it was for her.

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