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Jungkook's P.O.V

I sighed as I entered the company, the employees bowing to me as they smiled softly, greeting me.

I smiled back at them as I made my way to the elevator.


Once I went out, I went to my office to check on the documents.

I fished out my phone in my pocket when it started to ring.


"My baby! What happened?!" I winced when a voice suddenly boomed into my ear without warning.

I hissed in pain and checked at the caller for a moment to see it was Jimin hyung.

I put my phone back into my ear as I spoke.

"Hyung, please. If you're gonna call to just basically scream in my ear, i'd rather want my hearing all good and healthy."

"Hmph! So much for worrying about you. But really, are you alright?" He asked

I giggled and hummed, putting the documents aside once I had finished checking them.

"Yes I am."

"Eh? You aren't affected from the break-up?" He asked.

I sighed. "Hyung, he made his decision. He fell out of love, and I can't just keep bawling my eyes out for someone who doesn't love me anymore. Besides that, appa has been cheering me up lately, he even said he had news for me."

"That's my boy, and what news?"

I shrugged as I opened my laptop, preparing a report for the presentation later.

"I don't know. He said he'll announce it today.. maybe nothing special."

Jimin hyung chuckled from the other line as he hummed. "Then you find out it's such a big deal~" he teased.

"Ah, break's over, gotta go back to my office to check the report Mr. Min wanted me to see."

I chuckled and hummed. "Are you sure you're doing fine there?" I asked.

He giggled. "Of course silly. If I wasn't, I would've been applying for your company already. But besides that, it's been great here." He assured.

"Then that puts my mind at ease. Go back and finish your work now hyung, take care."

He laughed and bade goodbye, ending the call.

I put my phone on top of the folders as I focused more on the report.

Taehyung's P.O.V

When I was making my way to my office, I heard my father's voice in a dark corridor.

I leaned a little bit to hear who he's talking to.

"Do you really think this would work out, Yugyeom?" My father asked..

'Yugyeom..? Mr. Jeon?'

"I know it will. Don't you have faith in them, Baekhyun?" What I thought is Mr. Jeon soon asked.

Father sighed as he hummed. "I do, I know we both just want what's best for them, but i'm concerned of how Jungkook will take this news. He just broke up with his now ex boyfriend."

"I'm aware.. and at this moment, he still probably has his heart closed, but he'll open up. Taehyung is a fine man, at least they'll be happy. Unlike us.."

I frowned as I left the both of them without them noticing, entering my office as I dialled my friend's number.

"What is it this time, Tae?"

"Hey hyung, can I ask a favour?" I asked.

I heard him sigh from the other line before he asked me what I wanted.


"Can you check the bckground of Mr. Jeon's son? Find as much detail as you can."

He hummed as he soon asked. "You mean Jeon Jungkook? What's got you curious about the kid?"

"My father and Mr. Jeon is arranging a marriage for me and him." I admitted


I winced a little at his sudden shock.


"No... why?"

"You're getting married to THE JEON JUNGKOOK! That's why!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"What's so special about that?"

"Are you serious? Other than you, he's also a guy that everyone wants. He keeps receiving letters and even gifts from those who admire him."

I leaned back in my seat, suddenly interested in the topic.

"If he's wanted that much, how come he's not in relationship?" I pointed.

"That's the point, he also turns them down like you do. Until one guy caught his interests."

"Keep going.."

"They got closer and eventually got together, Jungkook was happy with how it was, but.. the man was only using him. He was blind to not notice it and from what i've heard, they broke up not so long ago. His heart is probably tight shut at this point."

I sighed, looking out the huge window, seeing the busy city from my view.

"Maybe he just opened up for the wrong person.. I mean, he could still find someone else that he deserves."

"But both of you have an arranged marriage, you think he'll accept you?"

I felt a little offended as I rolled my eyes. "How hurtful your words are. Aren't my looks and attitude enough?"

"This isn't a game anyone is supposed to play, Taehyung. Marriage is on the table here, and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Looks don't matter. If any case that you want to lead a happy life after this kind of marriage, you'll have to take steps by getting to know him, and for the both of you to love each other for who you really are. Don't be someone you're not, and never hurt each other." He advised as I heard shuffling from the other line.

I hummed, closing my eyes. "I got it."

"I gotta go. I still need to give these files to my secretary so that he could revise it later. I'll also see what else I can find about Jungkook so you'll receive a document at your office sooner or later." He said.

"Yeah, thanks again, I owe you one.." I said as a smile crept to my face.

We both bade goodbye as we ended the call.

I opened my eyes slowly as I frowned.

'Would you give another chance for love..?'

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