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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Oh, right. We're going to walk there since it's just a few blocks. Can you take it?" I asked with a grin.

He playfully rolled his eyes as we left my office and entered the elevator, pushing the last button at the very bottom.

"I'm not that lazy, I could walk a few blocks at ease." He said as we exited the elevator once we arrived the ground floor, soon leaving the building as we started walking to our destination.

Luckily enough, people couldn't recognize us.

Both of us were chatting happily, until we heard a cry from an alley.

We stopped in our tracks and turned to each other.

"Do you hear that?" I asked. He nodded.

"Should we check it out?" He asked back.

I thought for a moment and hummed. "Yeah."

We then approached the alley to only see a puppy with an injured leg.

Jungkook gasped as he went near the animal, kneeling down as he checked it.

"Oh dear..." he murmured as I went beside him to see a black and tan Pomeranian dog.

I knelt down and hushed the terrified puppy. "It's ok, don't worry.. we won't hurt you." I whispered as I held out my hand a little. The pup slowly approached us even though it was struggling to move forward with one of it's hind leg severely injured.

"We should take it to the vet to have his leg checked. Who knows if it's fractured." He said as he looked at the pup with worried eyes.

I hummed. "The restaurant can wait then." I said as I slowly picked the puppy up as both me and Jungkook headed back to the car.

Once we got inside, I handed him the Pomeranian as I started the car.

I turned to Jungkook only to see him, stroking the puppy's fur, to try and calm the dog down.

I sighed as we drove off.


"Aside from his injured leg, he seems to be pretty healthy. He got the injury from a car accident but either way, he will be fine with the right medications." The vet explained.

Me and Jungkook turned to each other and sighed in relief as I turned back to the vet.

"And by the looks of it, the poor pup has been abandoned, leaving to be walking mindlessly in the streets." He added.

"Is it possible for us to adopt him?" Jungkook ask, making me turn to him in surprise.

"Well, we'll have to prepare some papers. But right now, he will have the need to stay here to get better."

Jungkook nodded and smiled. "Thank you, please call us if there's any updates. We'll take our leave now."

We both bowed to the doctor as we left.

"You really want to adopt the pup?" I asked as we both headed back to the car.

He hummed. "The poor dog was abandoned, who knows what it's gone through.. if ever, it deserves another chance to be happy again." He answered as we got in the car.

I smiled, patting his head. "Alright Mr. Softy. Where to next?" I asked.

He turned to me and smiled softly. "Didn't Dad say that he and Appa already had a house for us to live in?"

I blinked and chuckled. "You want to go there?"

He nodded. "Yeah, Hoseok hyung said that they even delivered our stuff there today. I think our parents already want to kick our asses out anyway." He joked, making me laugh.

"Well, maybe. Alright, let's go there. Homemade lunch?" I suggested.

He giggled and confirmed. "Yup!"

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