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Taehyung's P.O.V

I went into my father's office as I crossed my arms.

"You called?"

He looked up from his paperwork and nodded, gesturing for me to sit down.

And so, I did.

"I arranged a marriage for you." He said.

Making me stare at him dumbfounded.

"Why? Father you know i'm not interested in having a love interest, let alone get married. I don't even know who you're pairing me with." I reasoned.

He sighed as he stared at me. "This is for the best Taehyung. It would benefit the company as much as it would benefit us. Especially you. And whatever you say will not change mind, you will marry Mr. Jeon's son and that's final."

I blinked as my eye twitched. "Son?!"

He nodded and smiled. "You would love him, he's special."

I frowned. "Does his son have a say on this?"

"No, his father and I personally arranged the marriage for the both of you before telling you."

I sighed and nodded, looking down. "Please do this for me Taehyung."

'The old man has done everything for me ever since mother had passed away..'

"Yes, father." I said, looking up at him with a small smile.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I hugged both my knees closer to me as I cried silently in my room.

'How could he do this to me..? I've done everything..'

I thought as I remembered what he had said to me.

"We're over. I found someone better than you anyway."

I shut my eyes tightly as I tried to silence my cries.

Then, there was a knock on my door.

I slowly stood up, wiping my eyes as I opened the door to reveal my dad.

"Jungkook- did you cry?" He asked as he noticed my puffy eyes.

I forced a smile and shook my head as I let him in.

"No appa, i'm fine."

He sighed, sitting down on the edge of my bed as he stared at me with a frown.

"Why lie if it's already obvious that you did? Did that boyfriend of yours dump you?"

I frowned, looking down.

He sighed as he soon said.. "Come here son."

I obeyed and sat beside him. "When I told you he was no good, did you listen to me?"

I shook my head slightly. "N-no.." I stuttered out.

He patted my back. "Forget him. That man has done nothing but use you, and clearly, you were too blind to see it."

"But I thought he.."

"He loved you? Jungkook, learn how to open your heart for someone that would cherish you, not hurt you." He reasoned, he wiped away my tears as he then pulled me into a hug.

"I was disappointed by the way you took things too quickly. Look at you now.." he admitted, rubbing my back for more comfort.

I hugged him back. "I'm sorry appa... i-i'll try to make it up to you.." I forced out as I cried harder.

"Hush now child, I know you will... for now, cry to your heart's content and sleep after. You've gone through this heartache enough."

I hummed as I held my father tighter.

'Even as a wealthy and busy businessman, he still knows his responsibilities as a father...'

Arranged Marriage (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now