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Taehyung's P.O.V

I went downstairs, to the kitchen to see Jungkook eating toasted bread.

He turned to me and smiled. "Good morning~" he greeted as I chuckled, greeting back, sitting onto one of the stools.

He then put a plate of toasted bread in front of me that's smeared with butter.

I looked up at him. "Surprisingly enough, you could make toast bread."

"Hey!" He pouted as he crossed his arms cutely.

I laughed until he shoved a piece of bread in my mouth.


"Stop laughing and eat your breakfast before I shove the whole thing in your mouth." He threatened


"You sure you want to go to our company?" He asked.

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, i'll go there later. I'm just gonna drop off the files and head there once i'm done."

"Do you want me to drive you first? Or will you drive on your own there?"

"I'll just drive. You handle some business back at your company then come to my office. Also, you're coming with me at lunch in this certain restaurant since Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung asked to meet up after coming back from America." He said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

He giggled. "The hyungs that took good care of me when I was in college."

"Wait, why are you taking me with you then?" I asked.

"Because, I want to." He answered simply with a cheeky smile.

I smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Alright, alright. Let's get ready to leave then."



Jungkook's P.O.V

As me and Taehyung looked around the restaurant, I heard a voice.

"Jungkookie! Over here!"

I turned to the voice to see two men smiling at us.

I took Taehyung's and started dragging him to their table.

"Hi hyungs!" I greeted.

"Who's that?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"Oh, this is Taehyung." I introduced as we both sat in front of them.

Jin hyung stared at Taehyung intently, making him uncomfortable.

"What's your relationship with my child?" He asked with a frown.

"I'm his.. fiancé." He answered.

The two hyungs processed what he just said until both their jaws dropped.

"WHAT?!" They screamed, making the customers look at our table.

I turned to them and bowed apologetically, mouthing a sorry.

They nodded and went back to their own business.

I turned back to see Jin hyung staring Taehyung down, making him shrink in his seat.

"Aside from your good looks, I refuse to let you marry my baby. How long have you met him? Do you really love him? Do you think you can give him everything? Do you-" he started bombarding questions, I sat down beside Taehyung as I sighed.

"Hyung, please... give him a break. He's been nothing but good to me." I cut him off.

"But Jungkook, fiancé? Really? Aren't you in a relationship with that... that thing?"

I frowned. "We aren't together anymore." I confirmed.

"Since when?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"A week ago." I said.

'Yes, we broke up a week ago but they only found out 4 days later since Appa walked in on me crying.'

"Then you meet us and we see you with a fiancé? Is this some kind of prank?" Jin hyung spoke again.

I shook my head. "It's not. Appa and Hoseok hyung already gave their approval."

"I'm not convinced." Jin hyung said as he crossed his arms.

I turned to Taehyung and he smiled softly. "Should we tell them the truth?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded. "We can, but we can't tell them here in public. Remember what we asked of our parents?" I reminded.

"Oh yeah."

We turned back to them as I smiled a little. "Hyung, we'll explain later.. when we get back home. You're staying with us, right?"

They sighed and agreed as we started finishing our food.

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