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1 month later...

Taehyung's P.O.V

I walked in the room to see Jungkook in a white tux while Jimin was fixing Jungkook's hair.

I smiled softly. "You look beautiful." I complimented.

Jimin then hit me on the head with the comb he was holding. "The both of you aren't supposed to see each other before the wedding. Where the hell would the element of surprise be?!" He complained.

Jungkook giggled, completely ignoring Jimin's complaints. "You don't look bad yourself." He replied.

I chuckled. "Nervous?" I asked.

"A little." He answered.

I smiled, nuzzling my nose with his. "You'll do amazing Koo.."

"B-but what if I trip?- o-or-"

I laughed, not letting him finish. "That won't happen. Just look at me, and just me." I said.

He sighed and nodded. "Right- yeah.."

Jimin then cleared his throat. "Jeez, a month had passed and both of you are this close already." He pointed with a sigh.

"Get out now, Taehyung. The ceremony is about to start, I still need to do some finishing touches with this big baby." Jimin said.

I smiled and nodded. I turned back to Jungkook and kissed his forehead "Keep calm Kookie. Just focus on me and nothing else. You would be the brightest one there." I reminded.

He giggled and hummed. "Got it~ go back now." He said with a smile.

I turned around and waved as I left.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I smiled softly as Taehyung left.

"I'll just admit this now, you are one hell of a whipped bitch." Jimin spoke.

Making me roll my eyes as I turned to him with a smirk. "You're just bitter that Yoongi hyung has a business trip and you don't get to come with him." I shot back.

He giggled and shook his head. "Sure I want to come with him, but my best friend's wedding is priority. Now come here and let me finish my job before I come there making you look like trash." He said.

I smiled as I approached him, letting him do what else he needs to do.


'So.. how did it end up like this..?'

I thought as I made my way down the aisle, with appa escorting me with a soft smile on his face.

'This man...'

"Since when do you look ugly? Point out the times you do, let's see if it's true."

'We're both fools..' I had thought as I arrived beside him,letting him take my hand in his.

He smiled softly at me and I smiled back.

"Would you accept this?"

The priest began to speak as I turned to Taehyung who only stared at me fondly.

'It's just been a month.. and here we are now.'

I felt tears sting my eyes as I sniffed, smiling.

'Maybe a second chance might not hurt..'


"I promise to cherish you, I swear that I would never hurt you. As your beloved, I vow to protect you from danger and I will love you till death do us part." He stated as he slipped on the wedding band on my finger.

I smiled. "I promise to love you with all of my heart, I refuse to let you face every single moment of your life without me. I swear that I would also protect you with my life and will stay with you till death do us part." I stated as I slipped on the other wedding ring on his finger.

" I stated as I slipped on the other wedding ring on his finger

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"I now announce you as husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

Our eyes widened in surprise until he chuckled lightly, leaning his face close to mine.

"May I..?" He whispered.

I smiled shyly, blushing.. "you may.." I said as he smiled, leaning even closer, letting our lips crash into each other.

I smiled in the kiss when I suddenly felt a spark in the kiss. I wrapped my arm around him as we both pulled away from each other with shy smiles on our faces.

Then, we heard loud cries.

We turned to see Jin hyung and Jimin hyung who were crying a waterfall while Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung tried to console them.

As for appa and dad, they smiled proudly at us.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around me as he let me lean onto him.

"You think they will calm down?"

I giggled. "They will, just... not right now." I answered, letting my head rest on his chest.

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