21.Keeping A Promise

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"Hello!" Hana gave a friendly smile despite the curious look she was receiving from the usually calm and collected old woman. He couldn't quite tell if this was from her being in an extra happy mood or simply because of her innocent heart. 

Nonetheless, he was sure the old miko would not deny a request from the cheerful - and very pregnant - demoness. And though Hana had gotten to the village ahead of him and was now standing with the miko a slight distance away, his keen ears could still pick up on their conversation. 

"Are my old eyes deceiving me or are ye actually....with child?"

Hana, at first, replied with a mere smile. 

"I found it hard to believe myself - at first," she laughed. 

"And the child is actually for...,"

"Lord Sesshomaru is going to be a daddy!" Rin interjected before the miko could finish. 

Something about that made the daiyokai slightly anxious - though not entirely in a bad way. 

Yes, he would become a father soon (or as Rin put it a...'daddy.'), and with that, he was certain, came new responsibilities which he had never before in his life dreamed of ever having. 

Hopefully, Hana would end up bearing him a child as formidable as the daiyokai himself. Or, he would even be satisfied with a child that had as large and as courageous a heart as hers, for what was strength and power without courage and determination?   Maybe that was why he had ended up falling in love with a yokai such as Hana.   Her courageousness and pure heartedness seemed to complement his might. 

"I had never quite expected someone such as yeself to have actually fallen for a woman, Sesshomaru - especially not a young woman such as this one."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hana blushed. 

He finally got to where the three females stood, with Jaken right behind. 

"Hn," was his only reply. 

"I see ye are still very...," she couldn't quite think of an adjective to properly describe the dog demon. In his opinion, that was a good thing.

He did not wish to waste any time trying to make conversation, for most of the times when he stayed at that village long enough that half breed brother of his often ended up showing up. 

"Hana will stay here until her...time...comes," he stated. 

"Are ye asking me or telling me?"

"This Sesshomaru does not 'ask' for anything,"   He began to turn around. And though he knew that the old woman was now glaring at him through her one good eye, she did not respond immediately. In fact, Hana was the one to speak up first. 

"Wait," he heard her call as he was walking away. When he turned back around she was running towards him. And before he knew it she was standing before him, looking up at him, her bright eyes slightly glossy. He wordlessly looked down at her. 

"You’re just going to leave like that?"

"I was not planning on abandoning you, if that was what you had thought," he stated lowly. 

"But what if," she hesitated, looking down for a second as she contemplated her thoughts and then bringing her eyes back up to meet his, "what if the baby comes and you don't know...don't you want to be there for your child’s birth?"

He hadn't quite thought about that. 
On the other hand though, he couldn't simply stay there in a village of humans - he had other things to attend to, such as his duties as a daiyokai. 

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