Chapter :19

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A/N: sorry had to make the pace faster so it wouldn't drag on.

Two months later....

Lacey P.O .V

It's been months since Lacey got back to normality of daily life. Nothing had slowed down . She still yearn to for his embrace. He moved on as she had.

Weeks blurred into the next til months had passed. Don't be that person again she reminded.

Fashion weeks started a week ago. Victoria was whisked away to the city of light ... Paris. It had been unbearable without her around.
She found an affordable apartment in a good side of town. Walking distant from her job at the neighborhood gym. the only downfall is finding a decent roommate in New York.

A stunning curvy Asian with bright purple hair showed up at her door. In all black Gothic style clothes from :Chain braclets , fishnet stocking ,leather corset and nose ring .

"I'm ,lula chow ,sorry about get up had a casting call for gothic Asian extra for broadway . And I totally rocked it cause I was the only one who showed up she did a fist pump."

I'm lacey miller I need a roommate . I don't do cats or drama. Up to this point her life consisted of drama and danger.

"Then I'm your roommate, which one is mine ?" I got a few bags downstairs do u mind if I change before getting them and the cash. This thing is so constricting. I don't know how they wear these things."

She changed into pink sweats and a white T-shirt that said always stay pink 86 . She had her purple hair in a messy bun.

" can we start over I know that first impression was horrible. Hi Lacey ,I'm lula chow ,I'm a struggling actress with the dreams of broadway . My sign is Taurus , I love to cook , loves gin ,and don't hate ... I'm Chinese that loves egg rolls."

Her sassy attitude would be instantly best friends with Victoria. "Lula its a pleasure !my best friend tori stays in the last room down the hall . She's in Paris during fashion week. If you see this boxer like guy with bright red hair that's James her boyfriend .. just a heads up if he shows up."

"Good to know" lula smiled she had demples.
There was a knock on the door I swung it open before looking in the hole . Paul leaning at my doorframe smirking . As I got closer his eyes were green the color of a Irish plain. This isn't Paul some one who bears great resemblance to him.

I stuttered how .can. I . Help .yooou! Get control Lacey. Taking a deep breath. "Hello you must be Lacey ?"

It's bone chilling that Everyone knows me and I'm in the dark. Yes and you are?

"Caleb Simmons, at your service and you are my lovely?" Staring past me at a blushing lula . Wow he works quick not even through the door and he's charming the pants off my new roommate.

" I just got home from Australia .all busniess not pleasure ;you  understand . Me mates don't know I'm home yet so I'm throwing a party . I wanted to invite you personally ."

It sounded like a trap or something to those lines why would a strange man show up on her doorstep and invite her to his party.

Why me i asked cautiously  his eyes lite up . "One of me mates knows you so it's gonna be a surprise for him. It will be tonight around 6 you have spa and dress fitting at 2 I will send my sister to help you she needs girl time. If you have any questions call me sis Simone .i will be see you again my lovely. "He winked at lula.

I just stood there mouth agape had all that just happened.We walked down the hall towards her old Nissan Versa light blue pInt chipping off in the corners .

"Wow !is your life always so eventful."  Lula asked .
  Unfortunately yes ,it has become a the norm since Meeting Alexander gage . His whirl wind life of drama and danger .if you don't want to be my roommate.. it's ok ...I understand.

"R u kidding me this is gonna be a blast to be your friend and roomie. "Oh ,"as she shifted from one foot to the next "I almost forgot to warn you.. I have a problem my mouth spews unfiltered sarcasm at times. It embarrassed my parents all the time."

She was gonna fit right on in with us Lacey mentally screamed.

After helping lula with her luggage . She layed upon the old mattress squealed under the weight. She got a text at twelve thirty five from an unkown:

Max is calling a staff meeting in 10 .

Lacey :. K be there

She got up and put on her workout gear. Putting her chestnut long brown hair into a high pony tail. She ruffled her short bangs. The bangs weren't fashionable but it suited her personality. She like to be unique when on certain occasions.

She thought of all the sad faces of her parents as she abruptly left. It still haunted her now to this day. Tadeo called twenty times since her departure. Always leaving messages of how sorry he was. She didn't have the heart to hurt him more . Ma called to tell her tadeo got released and her parents miss her.

Lacey but on her bottom lip ,everything was still so raw . she couldn't put herself to contact anyone from the island they had too many questions she wasn't ready to answer.

She walked into everyone's gym a quaint little hole in the wall gym. Max my boss and owner refused to sell to "mainstream gyms" .that only wants numbers not worry about the important thing it's patrons and staff. He was a good boss he always cracked jokes and let the personal trainers make their own hours.

He cleared his voice and played with his curly white beard. "Ladies and gents. I have great news I sold the gym ". There was gasps and shocked expressions within the staff. " the person who bought it promise to keep our motto the patrons come first. Y'all all will still be employed just different management. I'm getting too old for politics that are involved .yall are dismissed"

A blonde woman in the back yelled "when will you they be taking over?"

"wNext month is the new quarter so then."max clarified

Lacey walked home questions swirled as she reached the door she noticed a brand new mini van outside her apartment building . Damn must be the new owner. First the gym now her apartment building . Too much change so little time. She took the stairs two at a time she jiggled the keys in the door it opened to a smiling face.

Sorry so many fillers it will all make since later on . And it's adout to speed up from this on had to catch y'all up.

What y'all think about Lola?

Lulu greg❤️ thank y'all my friend for reading this far . Please send me y'all titles of your work . love to hear from y'all and read y'all work.

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