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"I feel weird," Seokmin said as he stared in the mirror. The man who stared back wasn't the Seokmin he was used to. His hair, freshly coloured a rich burgundy and styled up off his forehead, made him feel exposed. He'd never worn makeup before but Joshua had insisted and Seungkwan had found a kindred spirit and ganged up on him immediately. So, lightly layered with a little BB cream and a ring of subtle eyeliner, Seokmin sighed at his reflection.

When he looked down at his clothes he sighed again. The tight jeans were too tight and Joshua had insisted on tucking the oversized shirt in at the front to 'show off his assets'. No one had ever referred to anything Seokmin had to show as an 'asset' before and it had made him blush. And now he was uncomfortable with the clothing, the shirt unbuttoned a little too much, the jeans clinging too close around his thighs. But Seungkwan had squealed with excitement and Joshua had handed him a beer and as the alcohol warmed him he gave up his protests.

Joshua's apartment was amazing. It was small and neatly decorated in the way you would expect of someone who had just moved halfway across the world without much stuff. There were a few books which Seokmin guessed must be precious to have been worth the baggage weight and a few family photos proudly displayed. The furniture was all in muted shades of grey and white and all looked new and quality. "You're so lucky to live here..." Seokmin said as he checked the place out. There was a big window which looked down on the expanse of the university sports oval and the buildings behind it. It was perfect.

A couple of drinks eased Seokmin's nerves a little too much as they walked to the share house the Chinese students lived in. By the time they arrived at the party he was feeling warm and giggly and definitely far from sober. The party was an assault on his already compromised senses and, to his dismay; they lost Hansol and Seungkwan immediately. "Don't abandon me," Seokmin said as he clung to his new friend's arm and they walked through the party avoiding the bumps of people's bodies in the crowd. It was hot, noisy, and the smell of too many people overwhelmed Seokmin's senses. But they quickly found more drinks and soon he was having a good time despite his initial reluctance to be at the party.

"When you see him just talk to him!" Joshua yelled over the music as they watched Hansol chug a beer bong. "Who?" Seokmin laughed loudly before remembering whom Joshua was talking about and the whole point of this night. His eyes whipped around and he realised he hadn't spotted Soonyoung anywhere. He had to be here somewhere. "DANCE!" Seungkwan yelled as he grabbed his drunk boyfriend and dragged him towards the source of the heavy beat pumping from outside and when they pushed the double doors open into the backyard they found them. Surrounded by a crowd, the dance floor was dominated by the popular group, Minghao and Junhui dancing way too close, Soonyoung and Chan showing off for the appreciative crowd.

"Target acquired!" Joshua winked at Seokmin when he spotted a certain blond barista leaning on a table by himself and when he walked off, and Seungkwan pulled Hansol onto the dance floor, Seokmin's greatest fear was realised. He found himself alone. He took a huge gulp of the drink in his hand for comfort and it burned all the way down. He looked around as his head began to spin and sank heavily onto an outdoor couch as he swirled the rest of his drink.

The couch sank next to him and his heart began to pound when he looked over and saw Soonyoung seated next to him. "Hi," his slur was only slight as he leaned a little too close to Seokmin, "I'm Soonyoung." "I, ah, I know... we're in the same dance class.." Seokmin stuttered with nerves. Cold embarrassment washed over him as he realised that this was now the second time Soonyoung hadn't recognised him. In one day. Was he really that forgettable?

"Really?" Soonyoung's already sharp eyes squinted even tighter as he stared at Seokmin through his alcohol soaked haze. His gaze travelled the man's face, down the exposed sliver of skin at his chest, raking hungrily over his thighs. "You're in one of my classes? Think I would have remembered you..." he licked his lips and Seokmin blushed. "Yeah I am, I'm Seokmin, we also met today in the park, you invited us here...." Soonyoung's eyes lost focus for a second before returning to Seokmin's thighs. "Were you wearing those jeans today?" he asked before dissolving into a fit of drunken giggles. "I bet you weren't. I definitely would have remembered you..."

Seokmin was too drunk for this. He didn't know what was happening. He looked around in panic for help, Seungkwan or Hansol, or even Joshua, but he'd lost Seungkwan and Hansol again and when he spotted Joshua he was talking to Jeonghan. "So, what do you think Seokmin? You want to go upstairs and make me remember you?" His hand reached out and snaked across Seokmin's thigh and he shivered involuntarily. This wasn't going how he had planned at all.

"I, ah, I-I like you..." Seokmin stuttered as his face heated up. "Can't we just stay here and talk?" "You like me?" Soonyoung began to laugh loudly and ran his hand through his dyed blond hair. "What do you mean you like me?" "I mean, I would really like to ask you out on a date, maybe get to know each other?" The alcohol had made Seokmin's decision making sketchy, he knew he should have stopped talking a long time ago, but now he'd started the words just spilled out of him like a waterfall. "I've had a crush on you for a while.." he said and Soonyoung laughed again. "You want to date me? Dude, have you ever even had a boyfriend?" Seokmin shook his head and stared at the empty cup in his hands. "Okay well when you've got some experience come back and ask me again. I'm a lot to handle Seokmin. This isn't a ride for first timers."

When Seokmin looked up he was gone.

He stayed slumped on the couch for a while until it sank again and he looked over to see a despondent Joshua had joined him. "Strike out?" Seokmin asked and Joshua laughed a little bitterly. "You could say that." Joshua sighed and looked over at Seokmin's face. He hadn't know the boy long but it was the first time he'd ever seen him sad. "You strike out too?" "Not entirely," Seokmin said. "But I guess so. Yeah." Joshua looked at him in confusion but didn't ask for elaboration. He just put his arm around his new friend and squeezed his shoulder a little. "This party sucks. Want to go home?" Joshua said. "Definitely," Seokmin replied and they both got up to leave.

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