Twenty four

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Joshua swung the door open and they walked into the apartment. All too familiar to Seokmin now, he was starting to want to go home less and less, and he kicked off his shoes and tossed his bag down in the corner of the living room. "I thought I'd make burgers," Joshua called out from the kitchen where he was busying himself taking meat out of the fridge and spices out of the cupboard. "Is that okay?" he yelled and jumped in shock when he turned around and met Seokmin face to face. "Sounds good to me hyung," the younger smiled brightly, "can I do anything to help?" Joshua shook his head and got two beers out of the fridge. "Go relax," he said as he pushed him out of the kitchen. "You deserve it. I just know you're going to get a part."

Seokmin gave in and settled on the couch. It seemed so second nature now, to just make himself at home, to switch on the TV and relax with his beer. He found a coaster and put it under the bottle before scrolling through the Netflix menu to find something they could both enjoy. "Want to watch a movie?" he called out to Joshua who replied that he did. The delicious smells coming from the other room had Seokmin too intrigued and he got up from the couch to investigate. The sight of his hyung, apron on and spatula in hand, cooking away made him melt a little inside. "Cute," he said softly and the stunning man looked up form under his floppy brown mop of hair. "What?" he said and Seokmin blushed. "Nothing, do you have any more beers?" Joshua nodded and indicated the fridge and Seokmin got two more out.

By the time the burgers were finished they were both on their third. Seokmin giggled as he carried his food over to the coffee table and Joshua laughed at the lightweight. "You shouldn't drink any more beers," he said when he saw the man's flushed pink nose and cheeks. "I'm fine," Seokmin protested but he finished his third and went and got a glass of water anyway.

The movie was kind of stupid but they enjoyed making fun of it anyway. It was almost finished and the burgers were long gone when Seokmin's phone began buzzing on the table. "It's probably just Soonyoung," he shrugged as he ignored it but it rang again. "Answer it," Joshua said and he picked it up and stared at the screen in surprise. "Jihoon hyung?" he said when he answered and Joshua frowned a little before remembering Jihoon was Seokmin's roommate and the director of the musical. "Oh my, um, wow Jihoon I don't know what to say...." His jaw hung open and Joshua waited with curious anticipation and finally Seokmin hung the phone up. "I'm Danny..." he said slowly before turning to Joshua with wide eyes and a huge grin. "I'm Danny! They gave me the lead!"

"Congratulations," Joshua said with sincerity and pulled the boy into a hug. "I knew it, you're just perfect..." he meant to say 'for the part' but somehow the end was lost as he inhaled the sweet scent of Seokmin's skin. It was irresistible and he wondered what would happen if he let his lips lay gently against Seokmin's neck. Joshua tested the water with a tightening of their embrace and a wash of hot exhalation and he swore he heard a sigh in response. He'd only had three beers but it was enough for Joshua to blame the alcohol for his willingness to take advantage of Seokmin again.

Seokmin was melting into Joshua's embrace. He didn't give a shit about the musical in that moment, he couldn't care less, all he could think of was his hyung's warm arms holding him close. He didn't know if he was imagining it when he felt the hot wash of breath fan across the skin of his neck but a satisfied sigh left his lips anyway. God, he wanted this so bad, to just get closer and closer to Joshua any way he could. His brain began to work overtime trying to think of some excuse and in the end he decided to blame the beers. "Joshua hyung," he whispered as he pulled back to look into the deep brown eyes of the other and he saw acceptance and anticipation and need inside them.

Fuck it.

Seokmin pulled the older man onto his lap and pressed his face into his neck. Some instinct inside was telling him Joshua wanted this as much as he did and he believed it whole heartedly. His hyung was worldly and experienced and had needs. And Seokmin was quite happy to to be there to help him relieve them. "Joshua hyung," he mumbled as his lips began to taste small mouthfuls of Joshua's neck leaving goose bumps in their wake. He let them travel up and along his jaw, across his cheek, around the earlobe with two earrings pierced through the skin.

Joshua moaned loudly at the sensation of Seokmin's tongue on his sensitive skin. Seokmin was encouraged and moved them across his cheek until it was lips on lips, then tongue against tongue, searching and tasting and tickling as Joshua began to grind on his lap. Seokmin's hands wandered in place of his mouth, squeezing Joshua's ass before sneaking up inside his shirt to trickle down across the smooth plane of his back.

Seokmin's hands found themselves sneaking down into the waistband of Joshua's jeans as the older continued to grind on his lap. Their kiss was broken breathlessly as Seokmin panted for air and Joshua attached his lips to Seokmin's neck instead.

"Hyung," Seokmin groaned out the words as his hips began to push up. He was overwhelmed with an urge to push and thrust, to bite and taste and feel, to claim and own and dominate. He pulled back, only a little but just enough, and stared. Joshua was flushed, his cheeks pink and his hair mussed, his eyes sparkling in the low light from the tv. "You're so pretty...." he said as he reached up to caress Joshua's cheek and the man on top of him blushed and squirmed a little.

"Joshua hyung, can I...." He was still shy, still a little reluctant, and the words wouldn't come out of his mouth. But his body said everything his mouth couldn't as his hips shifted and drove up in response to the pressure of Joshua's ass on top of him. "I want- " he breathed out long and hot and heavy and Joshua seemed to know.

And he did. Joshua knew exactly what Seokmin was craving and he wanted it too. "Come on," he said as he got up and led Seokmin towards the bedroom by the hand. He'd just blame the alcohol, again, because the wanted this more than anything. He'd sworn he wouldn't ever let anyone inside him again, that he was going to always be the one in control, but he never counted on meeting someone who made him feel the way Seokmin did.

He wanted nothing more in that moment than to open up and give Seokmin all of him. Everything the younger desired, anything he wanted to do to him, Joshua was ready for it all.

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