Twenty three

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The lights dimmed and the audience, bare and scattered, hushed. Everyone was waiting, now with anticipation, since word of the man's talent had spread through the arts crowd on campus. He'd been somewhat unknown before his first audition, his invitation a surprise, and his talent had blown everyone away. He'd been hiding in plain sight, his humble nature and honest unaffected shyness keeping his talent a secret, but his secret was blown wide open now. Seokmin was a force to be reckoned with and people couldn't wait to hear him sing again.

He'd prepared a song from the movie and a dance with Soonyoung's help. And as Joshua held his breath in the audience waiting to watch Soonyoung slipped into the seat beside him. "He's amazing," Soonyoung said softly to the man waiting patiently. "I really had no idea. Probably shouldn't have knocked him back that night at the party, but hey!" he elbowed Joshua in the side and laughed too loudly for a silent audience. "You snooze you lose right? You're a lucky man Joshua."

Joshua nodded. He knew.

Seokmin appeared on stage, hair slicked up and borrowed leather jacket on, moving to the sounds of Greased Lightning. His jeans were tight and his moves were slick, suggestive even, and Joshua wondered who taught his sweet boyfriend how to move like that. Then he realised he was sitting right next to him and he suddenly didn't like the idea of Soonyoung teaching Seokmin anything anymore. "Look how hot he looks," Soonyoung whispered loudly and Joshua nodded. He didn't appreciate the man's aggressive complimenting of his boyfriend. He didn't like it at all.

====== 1 year ago ======

The lights dimmed and a lone spotlight came on. Joshua blinked in it, momentarily stunned, but quickly recovered. He looked around but in the dark audience he couldn't see him. He wished he was there, he wished so much that Jeffrey turned up to see him sing, he'd worked so hard on this cover with his love in mind. But he couldn't tell.

He sang his heart out as if he was there. He imagined his tall broad boyfriend, muscled and athletic, handsome and charismatic, smiling in the audience as he enjoyed the song. He strummed his guitar and sang his heart out and with the promise of the soon to be signed contract in his head he really thought everything was perfect.

To be young and in love in New York City

To not know who I am but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me

To be drunk and in love in New York City

Midnight into morning coffee

Burning through the hours talking

Damn, I like me better when I'm with you

I like me better when I'm with you

I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause

I like me better when

I like me better when I'm with you

He sang a three-song set before leaving the stage. His constant companion, his guitar, slung over his back as he headed into the audience to watch the other performers. Now his eyes had adjusted from the glare of the spotlight he was able to see that Jeffrey wasn't there. He had known all along it was a long shot but had still allowed hope to seed in his heart where it had bloomed against the odds. The hope withered and died quicker than a blooming hibiscus when he realised he'd been stood up. Again.

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