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"So," Seokmin said as he approached his friends. "Joshua hyung and I have news..." Seungkwan and Hansol looked from their smiling faces to their entrwined hands and both frowned in perfect mirrored confusion. "Are you guys dating or something?" Hansol asked with a slight scowl. "Ah, yeah, since the weekend," Soekmin gripped Joshua's hand tighter and the other moved a little closer as he sensed his need and silence enveloped the group.

Suddenly Seungkwan jumped up and engulfed them both in a huge hug. "My hyungs! I'm so happy for you. I mean, you barely know each other, but who cares? Hansol and I barely knew each other when we started going out." He forced their hands apart with his oppressive affection and laughed. "When there's a spark its kind of hard to ignore right?" Joshua blushed but Seokmin was fully committed. "That's right!" he said loudly as he clung to the American boy's arm again.

They wandered along to their dance class, Seungkwan chattering away loudly about something totally irrelevant, Seokmin laughing loudly along with his animated friend. Hansol hung back with Joshua as he eyed the older with a little suspicion. "Been here a few days, got a boyfriend already, you move fast." "So?" Joshau replied, a little irritated, "things just clicked for us at the party the other night. He's fun."

Hansol nodded. Seokmin was fun. "You guys just seem like total opposites though." "To be honest so do you and Seungkwan and no one gives you guys the third degree," Joshua replied a little curtly and Hansol frowned again. "He's sweet Joshua, sweet and innocent, and very trusting. It would be easy to hurt him," Hansol said as Joshua started to walk faster. He didn't like where this conversation was going and he wanted to make sure he caught up with his 'boyfriend' before they walked in to dance class. He'd promised he would hold his hand in front of Soonyoung and his crew.

It was part of the deal.

During dance class, which was three times a week, Joshua would act like the most enamoured boyfriend in the world. In front of Soonyoung and his crew Joshua would dote on Seokmin, pet him and spoil him, and act like he was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

Three times a week they would go to the café and sit in the corner while Seokmin flattered and flaunted his hot American boyfriend in front of Jeonghan and his co-workers. He would treat the older like he was the most amazing person he'd ever met, wise and worldly, sophisticated and cool.

The rest of the time they would hang out as friends, flirt and cuddle enough to convince people they were a thing, and this was probably the best part. No more third wheeling for Seokmin, no finding his way on his own for Joshua, a ready made friendship for both of them. It was a pretty sweet deal.

"Seokmin, wait up!" Joshua's long strides easily caught up to the other two and he pushed his body between them. His hand reached down and entangled his beautiful long fingers with Seokmin's hand and the other couldn't help but relax and enjoy the feeling. Seokmin had always been big on skinship and Joshua's hands just felt so nice. They walked in to the studio and, to their disappointment, Soonyoung wasn't even there yet.

But Joshua just smiled at Seokmin. When they sat on the floor to stretch he settled behind his pretend boyfriend, arms around his waist, nestling his head against the back of his neck. It felt nice and he closed his eyes as he stretched his hamstrings and enjoyed the cuddle. "You're great at cuddling Joshua hyung," he murmured as he leaned back into the hug a little. It felt so nice he totally missed Soonyoung's arrival into the room.

But it didn't matter. Today something totally unprecedented happened. "Hi," Soonyoung said as he and his crew walked over and settled around the other group. "You're Joshua right? I remember inviting you to my party," Soonyoung grinned widely at the other boys. "Did you have a good time?" Joshua affirmed that he did have a good time and pulled Seokmin a little closer when he felt his nervous twitch.

"Hi, I'm Soonyoung," he held his hand out and Seokmin couldn't believe it was happening again. "I know, we've met," he said as he stared at Soonyoung's outstretched hand. Joshua picked up the slack immediately. "This is my boyfriend Seokmin. He's met you a few times Soonyoung but you never seem to remember him," Joshua crept closer and his hot breath fanned across Seokmin's neck as he stared the dancer down. "It's kind of rude to be honest."

Seokmin pinched Joshua's thigh hard and Soonyoung laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, sorry man, I'm not good with names and faces."

The teacher walked in and saved them to Seokmin's immense relief. The music started and Seokmin leaned over closer to Joshua as they began to move their limbering bodies. "You didn't have to be so rude to him hyung," he whispered but Joshua winked at him. "Yeah I did. He's not going to just treat my boyfriend like that. It's about time people began remembering who you are."

Seokmin blamed the sudden rush of heat in his body on the dancing but deep down he wasn't so sure that was it.

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