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The music was loud and people were everywhere. Joshua pulled Seokmin into the kitchen and found a few bottles of something in a bucket of ice. He smiled at his boyfriend and dragged him by the arm out into the backyard, past the crowd on the makeshift dance floor, over to sit on the grass. It was a little quieter and, as Seokmin soon realised, where the couples seemed to be hanging out.

"Drink?" Joshua held a bottle out towards Seokmin and he took it and sipped the yellow liquid. It was vodka and pineapple and he giggled as he swallowed the sweet alcohol. "I think we stole some girls drinks hyung," he smiled brightly as Joshua smirked and sipped his own raspberry drink. "Want to dance?" He asked and Seokmin shook his head shyly. He could learn choreography but dancing for fun, swaying along to the beat with your arms around another, he was too shy for that.

"Hey losers!" Hansol slipped onto the grass beside Joshua and Seungkwan landed on Seokmin's back like a koala. "When did you guys get here?" "Not long ago," Seokmin struggled as Seungkwan gripped him in a headlock before ruffling his nicely styled hair. "The fuck?" Seungkwan murmured when he caught sight of the beautiful stones hanging from Seokmin's necklace. He looked over at Joshua and gasped, covering his mouth, Hansol rolling his eyes at his boyfriends overreaction. "Couple necklaces? Hyung you're so lucky!" Seungkwan grabbed it and peered closer. "Are these your birthstones? How romantic." He flopped dramatically onto the grass and sighed. "Great," Hansol murmured as he dug around in his pocket, "I'm never going to hear the end of this."

He put the joint in his mouth and sparked it with a lighter and inhaled deeply. The richly sweet smoke filled the air around them and he sighed as he exhaled. "Want some?" He offered it to Seungkwan who shook his head. Hansol raised an eyebrow at Seokmin who shook his head. "I've never tried it," he said and looked to Joshua who took the joint from Hansol's hand. "Never?" He asked as he took a small puff and tried hard not to cough.

No one had to know Joshua hadn't either. He had taken the smallest puff he thought he could manage and tried not to inhale it. But he still got an immediate buzz and he forced himself to hold his shit together. He was playing the role of cool worldly foreigner and he was committed.

"Try it," he held it out towards Seokmin. "Just one puff. I'll look after you," he said as Seokmin's eyes flashed from the burning joint to Joshua's face. "Okay," he said tentatively and took the joint between his fingers.

He inhaled a little too much and coughed it out. Hansol rescued the joint as Seokmin coughed and spluttered and Joshua handed him his pineapple vodka to sooth his burning throat.

And then he began to giggle. "Hyung, is it supposed to feel like this?" His eyes slotted almost shut and his stomach felt light and fluttery. He grinned at Joshua who was grinning back. "You feel okay?" He asked and Seokmin nodded and fell backwards into Joshua's arms. Joshua pulled him closer and ran a hand through his hair and Seokmin hummed in satisfaction. He'd never wanted to push the boundaries of their skinship but with the smoke buzzing in his chest and the alcohol warm in his stomach he felt his inhibitions slipping away.

Joshua had never taken it too far. He always held his hand, cuddled him affectionately, said sweet words to him as he ran fingers in his hair or across his back. And Seokmin has always been more than content with that. It was warm and friendly, comforting, and more than anything it was convincing. But as he enjoyed the buzz and the music, the warmth of Joshua pressed against his back, Seokmin wondered what it would feel like. Not to be ogled the way Soonyoung had eyed him like a piece of meat but to be wanted. To feel hot and sexy, to feel like your body was burning under wandering fingertips, to want someone to want you with everything they have.

"Hyung, you look pretty tonight," Seokmin murmured as he turned his head. He smiled widely as Joshua who smiled back at him and tightened his hold around the other boy's waist.

"Let's get drinks," Seungkwan said as he stood up and grabbed a lazy Hansol by the arm. "Come on, there's karaoke inside, and it's boring watching these two make googly eyes at each other." Joshua watched the other two walk through the crowd of dancing people into the house before he leaned over and grabbed his raspberry drink. He finished it and opened another, this one pineapple as well, and watched Seokmin finish his drink.

"Want to dance now?" Joshua asked. The weed had buried all his inhibitions deep down and the small puff combined with the alcohol in his system made his walls crumble. He stood up and pulled a giggling Seokmin to his feet and when he felt arms around him he just felt so fond. Seokmin was a breath of fresh air, an absolute sweetheart, and Joshua couldn't resist him no matter how hard he tried.

A part of him wished he'd never been hurt. That he'd come to Korea with an open mind and an open heart. But in that moment, pulling the beautiful glowing boy against his body on the dancefloor, his past seemed so far away. The music pounded and Seokmin swayed in time with his body and it felt so good and so right.

He watched Seokmin's brow furrow and turned around a little. Soonyoung had appeared on the dance floor and was grinding up on some older boy from the advanced music program. They watched Soonyoung laugh, grabbing the other man on the ass, his hands wandering everywhere as they began to move even wilder to the delighted cheers of Soonyoung's friends.

Joshua turned Seokmin away so he didn't have to watch. "Have you really never been kissed?" He murmured as he stared down at Seokmin's lips and Seokmin nodded. "Never," he said, his voice unusually husky, his lips stained a little yellow from his drink. "Want me to be your first?" Joshua breathed the words out almost silently as he ran a thumb across Seokmin's bottom lip. But it was loud enough for the other to hear and he only hesitated briefly before nodding.

Joshua's thumb moved from Seokmin's lip to cup the perfect skin of his cheek. He let it caress the other boy's cheekbone as he marvelled for a second at Seokmin's flawless bone structure. And then he moved in, dipping his head just enough, capturing Seokmin's lips with a soft chaste kiss. It was barely even a kiss, their lips fluttering across each other, but something burned bright inside Joshua at the touch. "Hyung..." Seokmin breathed out softly as their eyes met and lingered and then Joshua moved in for more.

His lips pressed harder and his tongue delicately traced Seokmin's bottom lip. When the younger parted them slowly Joshua licked into Seokmin's mouth tasting the sweet pineapple alcohol on his breath. He gripped Seokmin's shirt and enjoyed the taste of his innocence as Seokmin began to kiss him back.

When they finally broke apart Seokmin's eyes were glazed and his breath was shaky. His cheeks were flushed pink and Joshua melted at the sight. "How was it? Okay?" Joshua asked and Seokmin licked his lips and nodded a little dazed. "It was amazing," he said and Joshua had to nod his agreement.

It was pretty amazing. He couldn't deny it as much as he wanted to. As the music swirled around them the noise of the party faded into oblivion and Joshua pulled Seokmin close for another soft kiss.

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