Thirty seven

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The bright mid morning sun beat down as they wandered across the grass. Peple were gathered, walking and running, talking and just sitting in the sun, and barey anyone threw them a glance. "See," Seokmin whispered with a smile. "No one is taking any notice." Joshua turned his face up to the sun and felt the warm rays penetrate deep into his skin where they settled with a renewed sense of warmth and contentedness. Maybe Seokmin was right. Maybe he could have the life he dreamed of here on the other side of the world. Maybe this place, and the gentle encouragement of the man beside him, could steer him towards being the man he always wanted to be.

Their peace was short lived. As soon as they opened the door to the café they could hear them. Jaehyun's voice was the loudest, his friend Eunwoo beside him, the other Seokmin remembered being called Yugyeom. Mingyu completed the quartet but he was busy behind the counter of the cafe with jeonghan.

"Do you want to leave?" Seokmin asked and Joshua's eyes screamed yes. But Seokmin grasped his hand and his own eyes spoke silently of solidarity and comfort. They walked in with their heads held high. "Joshua!" Jeonghan called out to them, waving brightly,  and all heads turned. Seokmin could see Hansol and Seungkwan nestled in a booth up the back. He would deal with them soon enough. He led Joshua by the hand to the counter where he smiled brightly at the two men behind it. "Two Americanos, iced, half sugar in both," he ordered confidently and Joshua melted into his side.

"Sit," Jeonghan said with a smile before leaning over a little. "It's on the house," he whispered with a conspiratorial grin, "because you're my favourite couple and I'm happy to see you together this morning." Jeonghan watched them settle at their favourite table. Mingyu appeared behind him and gave a thumbs up which quickly sank into a scowl. Seokmin turned his head to see Jaehyun standing beside their table bearing an amused grin. "Good morning darling," he reached out to brush at Joshua's hair and, to everyone's surprise, Seokmin knocked his hand away. "Don't touch him," he warned, the anger in his voice evident, but Jaehyun just chuckled in that maddeningly cocky way of his.

"I'll touch what I want," he said low enough for Joshua and Seokmin to hear him. "Joshua can't say no to me, can you baby?" He leaned in again, eyes composed and slightly sinister, and Seokmin saw red. He began to shake with barely concealed rage. This piece of shit had no rights to Joshua and needed to be put in his place.

He looked around, the place was full, people were staring. His eyes flickered over to where his friends were sitting to see them both mouths agape. He was just about to stand up and fully make a scene, and probably get his ass kicked in the process, when a soft brush over his hand drew his attention to Joshua who was shaking his head. He didn't need it and Seokmin could tell. This was Joshua's battle to fight.

"Dont call me that, I'm not your baby. And I didn't want it..." Joshua said softly, voice shaking, lips bitten and trembling with nerves. "What?" Jaehyun laughed again. "Can't hear you pretty boy. Why don't you speak up for once in your life?" Anger suddenly flashed in Joshua's eyes and he lifted his head. He snatched his hand out of Seokmin's grasp and it instinctively went to toy with the birthstones hanging around his elegant throat. "I didn't want it," he said, louder, fiercer, the fire of embarrassment fuelling his rage. "I didn't want it," he said louder again, looking around, seeing all the people in the cafe staring at them.

"I didn't want it. I was weak, I'll admit that, I was easily led into the situation. But I didn't want it and I never consented; I never said yes. You kissed me and touched me without my permission while I was wasted." Joshua was standing now and he drew himself up to his full height even though Jaehyun was slightly taller. Seokmin by his side and the symbol of their connection around his neck gave a strength to his spine he never knew before. His fear of Jaehyun paled in comparison to his passion for Seokmin, for this man he loved and this life he loved too.

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