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Verdant leaves blew softly in the late spring breeze as Lee Seokmin wandered along the path from one building to the next at Pledis University. He smiled brightly to no one in particular as his feet picked up the pace. He was headed into dance class and it was his favourite. Besides the fact that his best friend Seungkwan was in that class there was another bright spot making his eyes sparkle with excitement and his feet march quickly in the direction of the dance studio. Seokmin couldn't wait to see his crush.

Seokmin was naturally bright and happy. He was loud and enthusiastic, funny and optimistic, and always had a smile for anyone who needed it. The first time he saw Kwon Soonyoung's chubby cheeked grin sparkling at him from across the room he knew they were soul mates.

Seokmin didn't believe in opposites attract. He saw everything he was reflected in the adorable and excitable dancer who introduced himself loudly and brightly to Seokmin on the first day. And from that moment he was smitten. He was so smitten he was almost failing dance as he couldn't even focus on moving his body when the beautiful Soonyoung was within five meters of him. Seokmin was an excellent dancer but when in the same room as Soonyoung he was suddenly an uncoordinated mess.

He walked into the dance studio and was immediately rushed from behind. "Hey loser!" Seungkwan grabbed him around the neck and pulled him into a half hug half headlock. "Got some exciting news! Well I don't know how exciting you think it will be but Hansol is stoked. There's an American kid starting today, even though he's older than us, and he's going to be in this class. The student counsellor asked Hansol to go fetch him and bring him here and show him around a bit. Cool, hey!" Seokmin shrank out of Seungkwan's grasp and nodded half heartedly. Seungkwan thought everything that involved his handsome American boyfriend was 'cool' and 'exciting' but Seokmin's eyes were already wandering in search of a certain cute dancer.

And there he was. He walked in with his usual crew surrounding him, flanked by the Chinese exchange students Junhui and Minghao and trailed loyally by the talented first year Chan, and all heads turned as he entered. His bleached blond hair was held out of his eyes by a black sweatband and his tight white tshirt and black sweatpants combination made Seokmin's breath hard to catch. Soonyoung was cute, sexy, and the best dancer in the class. Probably the whole University. And to top it off he was likeable, funny, popular, and the nicest guy anyone could ever meet.

Seokmin was also funny and likeable and nice, or so his friends told him, all two of them. He was not, however, cute or sexy or popular. His own tshirt and sweatpants combination didn't give off the same casually sexy aura and no one's head turned when Seokmin walked by - despite how loud he could be. Seokmin had never been cool or attractive or even well liked outside his tiny social circle.

"Pledis' Prince," Seungkwan muttered sarcastically as he rolled his eyes, "He's not even that good." Seokmin almost choked on nothing as he turned to his best friend in shock. "Really Boo? You sure about that?" Seungkwan snorted and rolled his eyes again. "Okay he's pretty good. But everyone just worships him. He's not even that cute. I mean, Hansol is cuter, and he's a better dancer too."

Seokmin mentally checked out as he took his hoodie off and began to stretch. Seungkwan had no self awareness whatsoever when it came to his idolisation of his boyfriend and Seokmin couldn't be bothered arguing with him. He sat down and began to stretch his legs on the floor as he watched Soonyoung laughing with his friends. They fluttered around him like butterflies on a beautiful flower as Soonyoung talked loudly and animatedly and Seokmin lost himself in the vision wondering what it would feel like to be a part of it.

He watched Soonyoung get up and start clowning around just as Hansol walked in with a tall boy trailing him closely. He had floppy dark hair which fell nicely exposing his forehead and the kindest eyes Seokmin had ever seen. He looked wide eyed and a little scared as his lips curled prettily into a soft smile. His clothes looked expensive and fit him well and a few ear piercings even sparkled in the light when he turned his head. "Wow..." Seokmin breathed softly as he watched the new guy look around. He looked foreign, fashionable, and most of all he just looked cool. He'd love to have a cool friend like that.

"Boo Boo!" Hansol yelled across the room when he spotted his boyfriend and Seungkwan jumped up immediately and waved them over. Hansol wrapped the other tightly in a hug which was almost inappropriate for public as his hands wandered a little and the new kid stood awkwardly beside them. "Hi," Seokmin smiled brightly and held out his hand. "I'm Seokmin. You speak Korean right?" he quickly added and the other boy smiled brightly as well. "Yes. I'm Joshua. I mean Jisoo. Uhg..." he hand a hand through his hair in frustration. "This is so hard to get used to." Seokmin just shrugged. "Joshua is nice. You don't have to try and change to and fit in." He looked over at Hansol and chuckled to himself. "He certainly doesn't." "He's been here forever though. I've only been here a few weeks." Joshua said and they all smiled at each other.

They sat down and Seokmin resumed his stretching as he chatted with the new boy. He learned he was an only child, of Korean parents, who thought it was important to come to Korea and finish his schooling and learn about his culture. "They think it will be good for me." He shrugged a little as they stood up and moved around, warming their muscles up more, waiting for the dance teacher to arrive. "I just want to get these next two years over and done so I can go home."

Conversation was halted when the teacher arrived and put them through their paces. Seokmin eyed Joshua and saw that he was an excellent dancer, probably better than him, and had good focus and concentration. Seokmin's own focus was all over the place as his eyes wandered from the new kid back to Soonyoung in the front row. Seokmin could see him reflected in the mirrored wall, sweat beading on his forehead, his body moving in intricate controlled rhythms that Seokmin could only dream of.

He moved his left foot the wrong way and his right leg crossed over and suddenly Seokmin found himself sitting flat on the floor with everyone around him staring. "Are you okay?" Joshua said softly as he held a hand out and Seokmin blushed as he took it and pulled up to his feet. "Yeah I just got distracted," he said as his face flushed bright red and Seungkwan just rolled his eyes.

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