8 | broken

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"Please," I cried, "Get off of me."

He pulled off for a second; sitting up on my
stomach, his legs still trapping my own. He looked bewildered for a moment as he let go of my wrists. He looked at his shaky hands and back to my trembling state. He was at a loss for words, trying to get something out, before he was hit with a shovel.

The boy passed out immediately, falling to his side. Blood dripped calmly down the side of his sleeping face. I gagged, before being dragged up and onto my feet.

"Oh my god, Bailey," a familiar boy wrapped his arms around me, dropping the gardening shovel he had previously just hit the corrupted glader with.

"I-I," I didn't know what to say, my mind was racing; a million thoughts all at once. I slowly dug my face into the crook of Newt's neck, letting the tears I was holding in finally fall.

He let his right arm wrap around the back of my neck, placing his chin on the top of my head.

Footsteps introduced themselves after a couple seconds, boys gathered around all asking their own questions. Before a voice spoke, "Newt," I could immediately tell it was Alby, "What the hell happened?"

Everyone was silent.

"Newt," Alby repeated, "What happened?"

The second in command pushed me away lightly, breaking our hug. He then grabbed my hand, allowing me to move to his side. "Can't you see the bloody girl is terrified?" he shouted, pointing to the boy lying on the ground, "He could have killed her, Alby!"

The leader frowned, moving his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, "Newt." he pleaded, his frustration seeping into his words, "Just tell me what happened, please."

I took a step forward, almost startling them both, "Why don't you ask me that?"

Alby finally looked in my direction, almost like he had just noticed that I was there. He removed his hand from his face, "Fine, Bailey. What happened?"

I started at the beginning, talking of how I left to collect fertilizer and ended up finding a grave. Explaining in detail about what he said and did.
Everything, excluding what he said about Thomas. I didn't want to talk about it until I knew for sure what Ben was babbling about.
All the boys stood frozen for a second, before Gally scoffed, "You thought it was me? Come on! I'm not that shucking scary."

I sighed and apologized, although Gally still looked pretty pissed.
I turned back to the much larger, dark toned man as he clapped his hands together and took a deep breath in, "We all know the rules, Ben has obviously been stung and needs to be removed."

Stung? Removed?

"What do you mean?" I asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Alby's gaze flickered between Newt and I, giving the blonde a look that read, You tell her.
Newt murmured something under his breath and beckoned me to follow him.
We walked away from the others for moment and stood there in the grass. His face twisted, the gears turning in his head. I could tell that he was thinking hard about it, debating how much to tell me.

"Newt," I whispered, "Please just tell me what's wrong with him."

He grabbed my hand gently, holding it. His thumb danced over my knuckles carelessly, "He's been stung."

"Yes but, what does that mean?"

He took a deep breath in and stopped for a moment to look me in the eyes, "It's called the changing. The reason we're not allowed to leave the glade is because there are creatures. Big nasty buggers called Grievers that live in the maze. When stung by one, you go insane. That's why Ben attacked you."

"He said something else out there," I paused, "He said he saw me, with a boy I've never heard of before."

Newt ran his free hand through his ruffled hair, my eyes followed the small gesture before he dropped his arm back at his side, "We think that when you get stung, you get your memories back. He may have remembered you from before the maze."

I nodded slowly, letting the new information sink in. "What's going to happen to him." I asked.

"He belongs to the maze now. He'll be banished at sundown tomorrow night."

Banished? Like locked in the maze?

I looked at him in complete shock.

Ben was going to die.

The big stone doors had already closed for the night. Ben was picked up and carried to the pit, where he'd be most of tomorrow morning.
Newt brought me back to our little cabin, and led me inside. I tried my best to stay cheerful.
Minho was packing a small bag when we walked in. "Where are you going Minho?" Newt asked, stepping over to his own hammock and sitting down. He swung peacefully back and forth.

The Asian boy moved the tiny bag over his much larger shoulder, "Chuck has be having nightmares and he won't shucking shut up about it. So, I'm going to go watch him tonight."

"Aw!" I grinned at him, "You're going to go sleep in his hut and keep him safe?"

Minho groaned and started walking out of the tent. There was no way I was going to let him forget about this. I noticed Newt smirk out of the corner of my eye, so I looked over at him. I tilted my head a little, "What's that look for?"

He chuckled, "He left on purpose."

"Yea? To help Chuck." I replied innocently.

Newt shook his head, "No, he thinks I like you."

"You don't like me?" I pouted.

He laughed under his breath, "No, he thinks I have a crush on you."


"And you don't?"

He noticed my sad expression and smiled warmly, "Well, you never know. My opinion might change."

I gleamed at him in return and he, once again, smiled back.

I let my smile fade as I walked over to my hammock and laid down on my back. The hammock was cold against the fabric of my shirt.
My gaze locked onto the ceiling for a second but, I could tell that Newt's eyes were still on me. I rolled onto my side to look at him again, "What is it now?" I said jokingly.

He continued to smile before sighing harshly. His lips stretched into a thin line before he chuckled, "I just can't place my finger on it."

He rolled onto his back, ending the small conversation. I left it alone for a couple minutes, just staring at him. His words almost waltzed around in my head.

I just can't place my finger on it.

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