13 | bait

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As we walked, I noticed him twitch slightly beside me. He looked like he was getting ready to either sprint for a mile or faint.
I looked over at him and tilted my head, "You ok?" I asked calmly.

He shook his head, replying no, "Not really, but I have to prove you wrong."

It took me a second to realize what was going to happen before it actually did.
He took off running.
I tried to grab his shoulder before he could sprint into the maze but I missed.
My feet hit the ground harshly as I chased after him. It was a lot harder than I first intended. He knew exactly what he was doing.

The gush of wind and crackle of the walls closing sent shivers down my spine as I ran after him. I wasn't built for running like he was. His body weight shifted back and forth of his feet with ease, while I stumbled slightly with each step.

I had to give up and let him go.

He ran straight into the maze and I let the doors close behind him.

I stood in front of the walls with panic spread across my face.

What the actual fuck was I going to tell everyone.

I let my legs fall weak into the cool grass. I knelt there for a moment, staring at the dark stone that had just eaten the newbie whole. My gaze snapped down at my hands as I glared at myself. "God damn it, Bailey. You just had to let him go." I whispered.

"Let who go?"

Their cold words echoed through my ears. "None of your business, Gally." I retorted quickly.

The tan boy scoffed, "Third in command, remember? Just tell me."

"Your title means nothing." I hissed.

I wasn't trying to be rude, the fact that I had just let the Greenie sprint into the maze was just a lot to take in. He growled under his breath, "Look, Greenie," he let the last word roll off his tongue with pure irritation, "If you don't tell me what happened, I'll just make up something to tell Alby, and we'll see who he believes then."

I looked up, my eyes immediately meeting his.
He stared at me quietly, before his left eyebrow shot up and a cocky grin spread across his freckled face.
He knew he'd win.


"Fine," I grumbled unhappily, "I was showing Thomas around when he suddenly booked it into the maze."

His expression contorted from a smile into a face full of terror. He glanced at the large closed walls for a moment before he looked back at me. "And you let him go?" he shouted, "You couldn't have done anything?"

I shot upright onto my feet, "You think I didn't try, Gal?" I yelled back, watching his glare harden as I referred to him as Gal, "It's not like I wanted this to happen asshole!"

"But you let it happen," He replied coldly.

My shoulders slumped down as I retreated. He rolled his eyes and took a step back, giving us both a second to cool off. "Look, Bailey," he started, "Let me tell Alby, I'll cover for you."

"Why the hell would you do that?" I asked, "I don't need your protection."

"I'm trying to help you!"

"And I don't need it!" I sneered, "I can save my own ass."

His hands clenched into fists at his sides before he let them break free again, "Fine," he spat, "Don't come crying to me when you get removed."


Like Ben?

After my argument with Gally, I headed back to the tent. There was no use in going to find Alby right now, it was too dark.
I walked quietly down the little path as the white stars above me twinkled. The grass lay still around me, waiting for the wind to let them dance.

When I reached the hut, I moved back the small door and looked around for Newt.
He laid on his hammock, his stomach spread across the thin fabric bed. His chest and legs hung off either side so he could draw in the dirt.
He waved a twig on the ground, drawing lines throughout the earth.

I smiled to myself, he looked like a child doodling on a spare wall.
He noticed my presence after a moment or two. He gazed up and smiled warmly at me, before he saw the sad look on my face, "What happened?" he asked, sitting up from his recent position.

"Thomas ran into the maze." I stated flatly.

Newt's eyes narrowed and softened again while he thought about how to reply. He sighed after a moment and stood up, making his way over to me. His surprisingly strong arms wrapped around me as he rested his cheek on my head. "It's not your fault, I knew he was trouble," he mumbled, "I'm sure he'll be fine, love."

"Gally seemed pretty pissed when I didn't let him cover for me." I mumbled into his shirt.

Newt let go of me, "You told Gally before me?" he asked, a little jealously creeping into his voice.

I rolled my eyes, remembering back to our little fight, "He was there after it happened and gave me hell for it."

The boy in front of me nodded slowly, "You should get some rest, I'll come with you when you talk to Alby tomorrow."

I nodded in agreement, "Sounds good."

I walked over to my hammock and sat down. Newt followed in suit and did the same. "Thanks, Newt," I sighed, a warm grin returning to my face, "You always know how to make me feel better."

He ran a hand through his blonde hair and chuckled slightly, "Anytime, Princess."

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