26 | rule one

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I watched as Gally hacked into the maze wall. His tool breaking into the stone slowly as he crossed off the missing glader's names.

I turned my head over toward the farm, only to see Teresa and Thomas heading toward the gate, both having their hands tied behind their backs.
Thomas was knocked out cold, his head hung low as two other boys carried him along. Teresa was standing upright, shaking her arms around as she tried to break free.
We had talked about the plan beforehand.
Rule One was pretty simple.
Don't fuck up.

The boy holding Teresa walked carefully over to the left pole, pushing her against it. Teresa let out a small growl in return, making the boy twitch slightly with sympathy. I watched silently as the glader mouthed an apology.
The two other boys, holding Thomas up, simply dropped him onto the dirt ground across from his pole.
Newt l slid up next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist swiftly. "We've got this." he whispered, squeezing my torso gently.
I nodded slowly, returning my gaze to Gally as he began to speak. "God, this is such a waste," he muttered, "I really hate to see you guys go."

Some boys perked up to the left of me, "Gally! This doesn't feel right, man." Winston mentioned carefully, glancing at Frypan to back him up.

"Yea, what if Thomas is right?" the cook agreed, "What if we can go home?"

"We are home." Gally retorted flatly, ignoring anymore questions from the audience.

Teresa rolled her eyes at him, "You really think banishing us is going to do anything?"

Gally scoffed, gesturing to the walls around us, "This isn't a banishing, it's an offering."

I gasped quietly, clasping my hand over my mouth. It was clearly fake, we knew what Gally was planning. He wanted them gone for good.

He had gone insane.
It was obvious.

"Wait what?" Teresa snapped, trying to twist her hands free, "Gally! You can't!"

The third in command chuckled, "You really think I'm going to let Thomas stay in the glade when he's done all this? This is our home and everything went to shit when he showed up."

"Are you listening to this?" She screamed, glancing at the rest of the survivors, "He's crazy! If you stay here, the grievers will come back and they'll keep coming back until you're all dead."

The freckled glader scoffed once more, looking down at Thomas, "Tie him up."

The two boys hesitated for a moment, narrowing their eyes at the Greenie.
"I said tie him up!" Gally yelled, pointing at his unconscious body.

Gally sighed harshly as the gladers scrambled to pick  him up; but before they could even touch his arms, he jumped up and gave one a quick uppercut; knocking them out completely.

God damn, Thomas.

Thomas stood in front of the other glader, gesturing for him to leave.
The boy breathes hard, sprinting back into the crowd while Newt and I run up behind Teresa, cutting her loose.
Chuck and Frypan bounced over with supplies; allowing Minho room to slowly walk over, giving Gally a large glare.

The third in command looked flustered for a moment before he straightened himself out, "Full of surprises aren't you, Thomas?"

The Greenie growled in return, low and cruel, "We're leaving, and everyone else can come if they want to. We'll take all the help we can get."

Gally looked over his shoulder at the other boys, "He's just scared."

"Damn right I am," Thomas admitted, "but I'd rather risk my life in there then stay and rot in here."

I glanced over at a couple of the other boys, pleading them with my eyes, "Come on you guys, we can get out if we work together."

"She's going to get you killed in there, don't listen to her." Gally retorted.

"I may die because of this stupid fucking maze, Gally but I'll be more then happy to risk my life for my friends." I shot back, bitterness slipping into my words.

Gally grunted unhappily to himself as Jeff, Winston, and a couple of other boys stepped up behind us. Thomas nodded at them, assuring them that it'll be ok.

Thomas sighed, rubbing his temple lightly, "Gally it's over, just come with us. We can leave now, it's time."

The freckled glader shook his head in disappointment, "Good luck against the Grievers and tell Alby I say hello." he responded before walking toward the homestead in defeat.

Thomas turned around, looking at the rest of us. "Alright then," he smiled, "Let's get moving."

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