7 | scared straight

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It had been a few hours since lunch, I stood up calmly and picked up the fertilizer basket; shouting at Newt, "Hey!" he looked up at me, "I'm heading to the Deadheads!"

"Alright," he replied, "don't get lost, love."

I nodded in response and started to walk away.
I tried my best to follow Chuck's lesson.

Just over there are the deadheads, pretty sure that's where we get fertilizer.

His words echoed in my head as I trotted toward my destination.
It only took a couple of minutes to reach the edge of the woods. The crackle of leaves sounded so calming as I took a step forward.
The sky was beginning to grow dark so I couldn't take forever. Although, I had no clear idea of where I was really going. Chuck didn't really point me through the woods.

I set down the grass basket slowly, digging it's woven lace into the dirt. I glanced up for moment, noticing a wood panel in the distance. While taking a couple steps closer, I soon began to realize that it was a grave. I read the name plate aloud to myself, "George."

George? What happened to him?

I backed away quickly, almost jumping in surprise.

Shit!! Did I step on him?

There was quick snap of a twig behind me, causing me to whip my head around suddenly, "Who's there?" I yelled.

No reply.

"Come on! This isn't funny!"

After a moment, a dark figure came out from behind the brush. The way their shoulders were built, I could have sworn it was Gally.

"Oh haha, very funny Gally." I called out, "You scared me pretty badly."

The figure stood still and once again, they didn't reply. I noticed them fiddle with their fingers for a sliver of a second, before dropping their hands again.

Was it Gally?

"Gal? Is that you?" I pouted, taking a step back.

I could here them breathing, even from over here. It was harsh and quick paced, like they had been running for awhile. It definitely wasn't Gally, he would have walked over by now.
I was drawn out of my thoughts as it began to lumber toward me, whispering nonsense as it grew closer. I started to breath a little harder, listening to my heart rate rise. I almost matched their pace, but my shaky state was out of fear. "S-stay where you are, don't get any closer!" I stuttered.

They stopped dead in their tracks.

The dim light from the falling sun played against their features. The blue veins that crawled up their neck made me choke on my next words.

"I saw you," it croaked, "in the lab."


"You were there with Thomas."

I took another step backwards, away from the creature who only stood a couple yards away. "I don't know who Thomas is." I responded.

"Don't lie to me!" it screamed, "I saw you! You were there! You were getting tested on!"

"I really have no idea what your talking about."

"I watched as he stuck a needle into your neck. You twitched slightly, grabbing ahold of his arm before you passed out," the beast chuckled demonically, "He picked you up and mumbled something about a new project! You can't lie to me!"

The monster began to bolt in my direction, shouting glade profanity. I sprinted away as fast as I possibly could. My legs were not built for running, but I couldn't let this thing catch up to me.


I had to get to Newt, he could knock it out or something! Anything!

The trees around me started to shrink, leaving me to run through the fields. The small grunts from behind me said that this creature was not giving up anytime soon. "Help!" I shouted, "Somebody help!"

I could make out a couple boys about 40 feet away, they all turned their heads in unison. "Help! Please! I ne-"

My sentence was cut short by the sudden pressure to my shins, it dragged my feet back causing me to fall. My arms hit the ground first, giving me a second or two to try and crawl away. It wasn't enough, the figure flipped me on to my back.

"I saw you, A10."

I didn't know who he was, but by the looks of his torn clothing, he was a glader.

"BEN!" someone yelled in the distance, their thick accent cutting through the air, "What the bloody hell are you doing! Get off of her!"

The much larger boy stared at me, his finger tips digging into my wrists. I winced from the pain, water welding up in my eyes. Through the tears, I looked at him. His pupils were no where to be found, black absorbed any color that was left. While, the blue lines that climbed his neck were slowly growing. I prayed this wouldn't be the end, I wanted to help the gladers escape. I couldn't die now.

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