4 | gally's party

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He nodded, letting the conversation drop.
He led me out of the tent while a weak smile replaced his once contorted features. "Got something we can call you?" He asked, walking with me toward what Chuck called the homestead.

"Not yet." I replied, a small sigh escaping my mouth.

He stopped suddenly, almost causing me to bump into his back. He then turned to stand directly in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders. His brown eyes seemed to almost look straight through my body, like I didn't even exist to him, like I was a ghost. "Don't worry, it'll come to you eventually. I didn't figure out mine for awhile."

I let the corners of my lips curve up a bit, trying to return his friendly gaze, "Thanks, I'm sure it'll happen soon."

"Yea, me too." He agreed, before reaching down to grab my hand once more.

We started to walk again, continuing down the small dirt path toward light shouts in the distance. I could now get a good look at his features. His chin was toned perfectly to his face. Almost like if I ran my finger down his jawline, my finger would start to bleed. His torso jumped up with every step he took, which was most likely caused by the small limp he had when he walked.

I wonder how he got that.

He had a resting face most of the time. It wasn't scary, but he seemed to almost frown whenever he wasn't smiling. It allowed his eyebrows to bend down and touch the bridge of his nose.

While paying attention to the boy in front of me, I barely noticed Minho walk up behind us. He coughed, which startled me out of my thoughts almost immediately. "Oh! Minho," I smiled warmly, "you scared me."

He shrugged as an apology, his eyes glancing down at our intertwined fingers. Newt must have realized before me because he quickly let go of my hand. Minho looked him up and down for a second, studying him, before shaking his head and putting on a quick smile, "Gally started the ring up, everyone's going crazy. Thought you'd like to come watch."

The ring? That must be what all the shouting is about.

I looked over at Newt for a moment, he didn't seem bothered that Minho was here so I decided to go on without him. The tall Asian boy led me over to the ring, it was just a sand circle. All the gladers surrounded the sides, cheering Gally on. The freckled boy must have noticed I was staring because he clapped his hands together and laughed, "Look! It's the new Greenie. Care to try?"

"Try what?" I asked, a little confused.

Everyone must have thought I was joking because they all began to laugh. All but Gally, he simply smirked, like he was trying to intimidate me. "Want to try and beat the undefeated champion, babe? Key word, try." he teased.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that."

He chuckled, "If you beat me, I'll think about it."

I looked over at Minho as he gave a little thumbs up with both hands. I sighed and stepped into the sand ring. All the boys cheered and threw their fists into the air above them. I stood there and looked around, before my eyes landed on Gally again. He too, was looking around, except his smile grew into something else. A dark grin that made me uneasy.

"Alright," I started, "What are the rules?"

The freckled boy laughed aloud for a moment, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye as he looked back at me, "Just try to throw me out of the ring," he paused, "Oh! and no biting."

Everyone in the audience got a kick out of that. They snickered among themselves.

Let's just get this over with.

I got down a little lower as the tan boy in front of me did the same. I looked over Gally's shoulder as Newt popped up behind the crowd, he smiled gently at me, with a look on his face that read, "Good luck." I grinned in return and turned my attention back to the third in command. A smirk spread across his lips slowly.
God, I'm going to slap that look off his face.

I sprinted at Gally, but he grabbed my waist and moved me to the side. Forcing all my body weight to the left and letting me hit the ground with a thud. The boy's around us cheered for him, he turned his back to me and did little poses for them. Lifting up his arms and showing off his muscles, giving his guns little kisses.

How big is this kid's ego?

I ran up behind him and kicked out his leg. He slipped down onto one knee and I took the opportunity to jump on top of him. He, of course, knew better and shoved me off. I immediately fell and hit my head on the rough sand.


I pushed myself up and stood there for a moment, puzzled. Who the hell was Bailey? It felt so right. Was it my name? It had to be!
I started laughing aloud and everyone's head turned towards me. Minho walked over and helped me up, "Woah! Hey! You good, Greenie?"

I nodded, "I know my name." I whispered, a huge grin plastering itself onto my face.

"You sure you didn't hit your head too hard?" he questioned, the concern slipping into his voice.

I nodded and grinned at him, "I'm Bailey."

He chuckled and grabbed my wrist, raising my entire arm into the air, "Everyone!" He shouted happily, "meet Bailey!"

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