15 | runner

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Newt chuckled lightly and turned his body towards me, his smile seemed to be glued to his face.
I glanced over at Thomas. He looked so peaceful, although every now and then his face would twitch in pain.
It would contort in horror as he sniffled a cry for help.
Newt must have noticed my stare, "My mate, Jeff, is the med-jack. He said that Thomas will be ok in a couple of days, love."

I sighed sadly, gazing back at the boy next to me.
"I guess you're right but, I can't help but think it's my fault. First Ben and now, Thomas; I can't seem to do anything right."

"Don't think like that, princess," Newt mumbled, stroking his thumb against my shoulder lovingly, "Ben wasn't your fault and neither is Thomas, it ought' to be a good lesson for him. Maybe it'll even keep him out of trouble."

"You think so?"

"I know so," he smirked, "He'll be ok, don't worry about it."

"I'll try my best."

His smile returned after a moment, "Thats the spirit."

I rubbed my thumb over my knuckles and sighed.
I still felt like some of this was my fault, even if Newt disagreed. Maybe if I ran in with him, or at least stopped him from leaving, he'd be ok.
Nonetheless, here he was, lying on a small cot in the corner.
I could feel Newt's eyes on me so, I glanced back at him. He looked me up and down for a moment. His eyes trailing across every inch of my body. I tilted my head and gave him a confused expression, "What?" I asked, crossing my arms against my chest.

He glanced up and met my eyes once more. A tiny grin appeared on his face as he snickered, "Nothing."

I growled playfully, "Come on, you're such a liar."

He licked his lips as he stared at my own. I immediately got butterflies as I watched his fingers graze over the tip of his mouth.
He then stopped and shook his head. He looked over at Thomas and rolled his eyes, almost saying I shouldn't do this with him here.
He sighed lightly, letting his little smile return. He changed the subject, "Thomas was up a little bit ago. You missed it."

My eyes widened, "No way! Did he say anything?"

He nodded, "Told me he killed a griever in there."

I scoffed, "Funny."

"No, I'm serious," He rubbed the back of his neck, "Thing is, I believe him. I really think he pulled it off."

I scrunched up my face, and sighed.
I trusted Newt. I trusted that what he was saying was true but, Thomas killing a griever? I know he said that he could do it, but he had to be joking right?
He suddenly stood up, lending a hand in my direction. I gleamed in return and took his palm in mine. "I'll tell Alby about it when we get to the homestead, pretty sure he's calling everyone together anyways."
He led me out of the tent and toward the homestead.

He chuckled, "I thought that we should get there first for the good seats."

I muffled a giggle with my lips and nodded in

We arrived at the large wood building after awhile, sadly we also weren't the first to get seats. There were a couple of boys around, they seemed to be mostly keepers. Gally greeted us warmly and asked us to take a spot somewhere near the front.
Newt wandered over to Minho, who was now speaking with Gally as well. He spoke calmly to them for a moment, before they both looked at eachother. Concern crossed over their faces until they nodded in unison.
Newt walked back over to me with a smile on his face. We sat down together near Chuck and the cook, Frypan.

"Alright everyone, I'll be hosting this meeting while Alby is with Thomas," he stated, "Now, things are changing, there's no denying that. First Ben gets stung and now our new Greenie, Thomas, has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here," he paused looking around at all the worried faces in the audience, "for three years, we've co-existed with these grievers and now, he's killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us."

It was dead silent as the gladers looked around at each other, taking in the information that Gally had just given them.
A Greenie killing a griever must have been pretty new after all.
A couple of boys nodded in agreement while Newt scoffed unhappily, "Well, what do you suggest we do?" he asked.
Although he was the one who told Gally in the first place, he seemed irritated that the freckled boy was trying to take control of the situation himself.

Gally continued on about some plan he must have been thinking about for the last couple of seconds, "He has to be punished" he concluded.

There were a couple boos and claps behind us. I noticed Newt roll his eyes calmly before he spoke again, "Well, Minho what do you think? You're keeper of the runners, what's your opinion mate."

The black haired boy sighed, "I think, in all the time we've been here. No one has ever killed a griever before," he paused, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Look I don't know if he's brave or stupid but, whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner."

Frypan gulped next to me, "Minho, let's not jump the gun here."

Chuck began chanting Thomas's name before Gally shouted angrily, "A runner!" he growled, "are you shucking kidding me?"

Newt stood up, holding his hand in the air. Everyone's attention was peeled away from the loud chatter and directed toward him.
It was very attractive.
He got everyone's attention in only a few seconds.
He sighed, turning toward the freckled glader, "Gally. I understand it's unsettling, mate, but Minho has a point. If we let him run, he'll run to help us escape."

Gally scoffed, crossing his arms against his skinny torso, "If you want to throw the newbie a parade, go ahead; but if there is one thing that I know about the maze, it's that you do not-"

The tall boy was quickly interrupted by the familiar sound of sirens. Their call echoed throughout the wooden house, startling everybody inside. I looked around at everyone's faces, they twisted with fear and confusion. "I know that sound." I whispered to the glader left of me.

Chuck nodded slowly as we watched everyone exit the hut. "The box is coming back up early." He replied, beginning to follow the other boys.

Minho scoffed as he brushed past me, "Again."

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