24 | memories

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Alby smiled weakly, glancing down at the younger boy and giving his shoulder a small squeeze.
I sighed calmly, assuming the worst was over before another griever broke through the thin walls.
It's tail slithered in, taking ahold of Alby and wrapping around his broad body.
Chuck screamed as Thomas ran for our leader. He grabbed onto his arms, trying to pull him out of the creature's grasp.
"Come on, Alby! Hang on."

Alby inhaled sharply, his breathing being cut off from the metal around his chest. He held onto the boy's arms, his palms starting to slip as he spoke, "Don't worry about me, just get them out."

After a moment, Alby was yanked out of the tent; followed by the sound of his scream in the distance as we all stood there in shock.
Thomas' entire body tensed as his arms dropped to his sides. He stood there silently, gazing out of the hole in the wall.
Everyone was frozen, our brains still processing what happened before the tall boy turned around harshly, exiting the homestead and leaving everyone behind.
I quickly snapped out of my trance, following the greenie, "Hey! Thomas, wait up!"

I wondered out of the homestead slowly, gaining no reply from the runner. I watched intently as Thomas rubbed his hand across his mouth, looking around at the broken glade.
Everything was in pieces. Carts were turned over and shredded, the farm was on fire along with some griever corpses. I glanced around at my surroundings, noticing boys spread across the grass. All of them were unresponsive.
Gally came out behind me, pushing past my small body to get to Thomas.
The builder came up behind him, turning him around to simply sock him in the face.
Thomas staggered back in complete shock. He touched his face slowly, grazing his fingers over his cheek.

That was gonna leave a mark.

"This was all you, Thomas!" Gally grimaced, "This is all your fault!"

Newt followed the builder out, immediately running up to the other boys. "Woah! Gally! Calm down mate. Thomas had nothing to do with this."

"Calm down?!" the third in command scoffed, "He's one of them! He has everything do to with this, Newt!"

My eyes widened, "One of who, Gal?"

"He's one of them! They sent him here to destroy everything! Can't you see? Everything went to shit when he came up in the box."

Newt shook his head, taking a breath through his nose, "You're just in pain, Gally. Let's get to to Jeff and we'll get this all figured out, a'ight? It's been a tough hour."

"Don't baby me," he hissed, "You're not even a little upset that Alby is gone."

"Of course I'm upset, mate. He was like my brother, but I'm not letting my emotions get the better of me."

Gally huffed unhappily, before he followed Newt back inside the homestead.
Thomas took a deep breath in, glancing down at his hand. Before now, I didn't realize he was still holding the griever's stinger.
Thomas closed his eyes, gripping the needle tighter. "I have to remember Bailey."

I sucked in my gut, "What are you talking about, Tommy."

"I have to remember what happened before the maze."

I watched as he lifted the metal syringe in slow motion. It landed clean on his thigh before he dropped it.
After a minute, his hands started to shake, then his legs, and finally his entire body. He hit in the ground with a thud as he pasted out.
I sprinted over, kneeling down to cradle his head in my lap.
"Newt! Minho! Please, someone help!" I yelled, brushing some hair off of Thomas' face, "You're gonna be ok, please be ok."

The other boys helped me bring Thomas inside. We set him on top of the nearest bench, before Minho exploded. "What the hell was he thinking? Is he insane?"

I nodded slowly, "Kind of.. He said he needed to remember."

"Remember what?" Gally scoffed, "There's nothing we need to remember. We were put here for a reason."

"Yea, to escape," Newt replied, looking around the room, "We have to fix him up some how or he's going to become griever food."

"That's not funny," Chuck sighed, sitting by the unconscious glader.

"Well, I'm serious," the second in command responded, "If we can't get him cured by sundown tomorrow then he's gotta go into the maze."

I watched as Teresa scrunched up her nose, "I may have something that can help, although I'm not one-hundred percent certain it'll work.

"We don't have any other options at the moment so, what is it?"

She reached into her right pocket, pulling out a small syringe. The bold letters on the side made it all too clear who had given it to her.

Property of WICKED
Maze-CR3 cure

"An antidote?" Gally glared at her, "Where the hell did you get that."

"I have no idea, I found it in my pocket when I first arrived here."

"And you didn't think about showing it to Alby?" Minho questioned.

"Well, it wouldn't be much help now if I had."

Minho looked away, obviously hurt by her statement. She walked over to Newt, handing him the liquid. "I really hope this works."

"Me too," Newt sighed, kneeling over Thomas before stabbing the syringe into the boy's chest.

The greenie gasped, his breathing stopping for a moment before it returned to it's normal pace. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, glancing over at Newt. He smiled as he returned my stare.

Gally rolled his eyes, "Fantastic, he's cured."

"Now we can finally leave the glade," Chuck grinned, "We can finally go home."

The third in command clenched his jaw, "About that."

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