11 | sunsets

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He smiled warmly at me, almost enough to make me melt right there. Although, I didn't find him that attractive; he was sure nice to look at.
Alby then smacked his back firmly, breaking the small tension between us. "Bailey, you'll be showing him around tomorrow morning. Make sure to wake him up bright and early."


He gave a friendly wave before bumping into Thomas, leading him away, "Here Greenie, I'll show you to where you'll be sleeping." he gleamed.

I watched as they both walked away. Their figures slowly disappeared into the distance before I decided to head to bed as well.
I walked along the dirt path. My boots picked up pebbles with each step I took; before they'd hit the ground again with a small click, letting my other foot snatch them back up.
I sighed, looking up at the sky. The pinks and purples of a new sunset slipped over the walls peacefully. The colors mixed together and coated the grass. I smiled to myself. Although I couldn't remember my past, I knew that I'd never seen anything as pretty as this.

I ended up taking awhile to get back to the hut. The sunset was too beautiful to pass up watching for a bit.
I pushed back the small curtain door as I walked inside. Newt's back was facing me as he folded laundry onto his hammock. His muscles tensed slightly every time he picked up an item of clothing and set it down.
Minho was in the opposite corner; he was passed out in his hammock. He laid on his back while his stomach faced the ceiling. His chest rose and fell solemnly with every snore.
I noticed Newt sit down on his hanging bed after a
minute or two. He smiled at me, finally realizing that I was standing there.

"How long have you been creepily watching us, love?" he teased, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.

I shook my head, before rolling my eyes playfully, "Long enough to get sick of Minho's snoring."

He chuckled, "Well, you better get used to it. You'll have to live with it till we get out of this place."

I nodded slowly, my smile starting to fade.
Newt tilted his head, raising an eyebrow, "What's wrong? You want to get out, right?"

"Of course I do but," my voice cracked slightly as I looked down at my boots, "this place is so beautiful."

He smiled weakly at me, "Maybe so, but you could see a full sunset when we get out."

I glanced up at him quickly, "What? How'd you know it was about that?"

He shrugged, laying back onto his hammock. "I noticed that you were outside awhile ago."

I laughed, "Who's creepily watching who now?"

He snorted a chuckle out of his nose, "Slim it, Greenie. I just noticed, ok?"

I rose my hands above my shoulders in defeat before I sat down on my own hammock.
Newt closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, "But yea, I'm going to miss this place too."

"Pssst!! Bailey!"

I blinked a couple of times as I woke up. My eyes snapping open to the sudden pressure on my forearm. I yelped at the slight pain before the person's hand flew to my mouth. My eyes scanned the room for a second before they landed on a very familiar boy. He looked upset.
I removed his hand from my mouth and sighed, "Jesus, you scared me Chuck."

"Sorry," he apologized, "I didn't know how to wake you up."

I rubbed my right eye carefully with my thumb and yawned, "Wake me up for what?" I replied.

Chuck sighed. His face twisted a bit as he got frustrated, "The Greenie."

I immediately jumped out of my hammock, "Oh shit! Right! I'm so sorry, it completely slipped my mind!"

I sprung over to shuffle my boots on and reattach my belt. Chuck watched in confusion as I ran around the small cabin, trying to find all my things. "Yea, I figured," he rolled his eyes, "Just meet me outside."

I couldn't believe I didn't wake up earlier. Damn, it was that stupid sunset; and maybe a little of Newt's banter.

I finished putting myself together before I stepped outside the bland tent. Chuck stood there with the newbie, Thomas.
The glader smiled warmly at me as I walked closer. He seemed to always be smiling at this point. Maybe he was just really friendly. "Finally! I can't wait to see the rest of the glade." He stated as he put his hands on his hips. He puffed his chest out for an extra measure.

The light breeze messed with the boy's hair as he stood there proudly.

My hero.

I smiled weakly before I rolled my eyes, obviously unimpressed, "Yea, I bet. We'll get started shortly, I just need to find-"

Chuck cut me off, "Newt? You need to show Thomas around, Bailey. Your new boyfriend can wait."

"Boyfriend? Where'd you get that idea?"


"Right, of course," I sighed, "I just want to see him real quick."

"No," Chuck replied flatly.

I pouted at the small boy but it was no use, his mind was set. I wasn't going to protest either because I knew I wouldn't win. Your girl glader was still pretty new herself. Thomas shrugged, "I don't mind, I wanted to talk to Newt about the gardens. Chuck said he's a keeper."

I looked over at Chuck and sighed, "Really?"

"What?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"You know he's not the keeper, Chuck."

The small boy looked shocked, "He's not?"

I shook my head and grabbed the greenie's arm, pulling him away, "Come on, I'll show you around."

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