autumn breeze

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The chilly autumn breeze sent a chill down my spine as I made my way towards the entrance.

"Dev!" I heard someone call my name. Looking around the crowd trying to make their way into school, I spotted my best friend Sierra.

"Hey" I said with a smile while giving her a hug, making our way into the building.

"So are you ready for the new school year?" Sierra always asked me this every year, and I don't even know why.

"You know I've been born ready."

" Mhmm. Everybody knows you're gonna come up on top anyways."

"Okay, that eye roll was not necessary."

" Whatever, let me see your schedule." She grabs it out of my hands.

" WHAT. We have almost nothing together!??"

"It's not the end of the world."

"I'm going to talk to the headmistress."

"Good luck with that." And with that, she was gone, lost somewhere within the herd of students in the halls.

I found my new locker for this year and started to look through my books. With each year, the books got thicker and thicker. Letting out a big sigh, I grabbed two and closed my locker. At that moment a girl walked straight into me. All my books fell with a loud thud, grabbing attention of everyone around us.

"Can't watch where you're going?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I say as I bend down to pick them up.

" Here let me help." Without a second of hesitation she picks them up and hands them to me. Our eyes meet for a quick second. Her brown eyes glisten under the artificial lights of the hall.

"Well I'd better go." She walked away and I was left standing there. Who was she? I had never seen her around before. She's one of the few people who didn't hesitate around me; who didn't think before they spoke. Did she not recognize me? Why am I over thinking this?

I take a breath and walk over to my first class.

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