Will you?

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Marcy's pov

As I'm sitting watching Avatar the last air bender, I hear my phones familiar ding. I look at it expecting Bonnie but the name that did pop up kinda surprised me. Flame Princess?!
I look at the message with confusion. * Hey.. So I kinda got som to tell u* it read. * wats up*  I send back. I didnt take but 30 seconds to get a reply. * I kinda like you. And I never knew how to tell u... And I wanted to ask you to the bubblegum ball next week....* I read eyes widened. I had never even considered the fact that Flame might like me. I always knew she was bi but I never considered it. * I would love to go with you.. Maybe just as friends though? I kinda gotta figure out some shiz* I send. After a few texts back and forth, I hear a knock on the door. " wonder who that is?" I think. None other than... Bubble gum? In a beautyfull blie dress that I have never seen before. " Um.... Hi" I say to the princess. The princess takes a deep breath before holding out a bunch of flowers. " look, I really.... Dont hate you. And I wanted to know if you still wanted to go to the bubblegum ball with me...?" She states. I take a deep breath." Look, I love that you are trying to be nice but you really dont have to ask me just because you feel bad. Besides, Flame princess already asked. So you can go with Finn because I know you want to." A say in one breath. The princess visably blushes. " ohh.. I.. I'm just going to go now." She says as she turns away? " by the way, I didnt ask because I felt bad."

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