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Marceline lays cuddled up with her fuzzy blankie as she watches " Avatar the last airbender" ( her favorite show) as she eats icecream.

PB'S pov

I sit in my big o'l chair as I run through some papers. All boring stuff like taxes and meetings and what not. I had already dozed off three times before hearing my phone buzz. I for some reason find myself hoping it is Marcy but as I pick it up and read the name i frown finding it to be Finn. I swipe the phone open ( I really need to put a lock on it one of these days) and read the message. " Hey. Need help on mission. Wanna come?"  The text read. Any other time, i would have just politely declined but I was bored out of my mind so i text back. " sure but can I bring Marcy? We have not talked in a while and I bet shes bored out of her mind right now."

Finn's pov

I wait anxious for PB's response even though I expected her to decline but hey, a guy can hope right? I jump up as I hear a buzz buzz I open my phone and smile as I read her text. But she wants to bring Marceline the vampire queen? I frown a little because I wanted it to just be us two. I even left Jake. But I agreed because atleast PB accepted.
" of course she can come. I will meet y'all by the forest at the usual place"

Marcy's pov


get up and throw on some casual looking clothes. 'I guess I should probably go out and get some apples or something' I think to myself as I pull on my shoes. Right as I open the door, I hear a buzz buzz ' I wonder who that is' I thought as I opened the phone. I almost gasp as I see the name that pops up. I have not talked to PB in a while ever since.. Well something. I read the text out loud. I cant help bit smile a little as I reply back. " sure, I got nothing better to do. I will be at the castle gates in 10, btw, if your not there, im leaving" * send*

Sorry for the short chapters but I promise, things are about to get good😉

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