who dun it.

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Bubblegum pov

As I am laying in bed.. Like I have been for the past hour....i still have no clue who would want to hurt poor peperment butler. Right when I'm about to start listening everyone in the kingdom, Marceline bursts through the door with a gallon of lemonade and a box of pizza. " Jeez Marcy, you scared the glob out of me" I say to the girl, trying to catch my breath. "Sorry" the blacked haired girl says with a smirk as she sits next to me on the bed. " Any leads?" She asks. "None" I reply as we both sigh in unison. As we eat pizza, I tell Marcy everything that happened the day of the incident. "Well, I has getting dressed to go and see Fin.." She stops me mid conversation. " Fin? What where you going to see him for?" The vampire queen asks quickly. " that is not the point. As I head out of the room to go down stairs, I see peppermint butler at the bottom of the stair, thats when I called the ambulance and ran to your house" I finish my sentence before I could get interrupted. We both sat in silence for a couple of minuets trying to figure out who the culprit could be. "I got nothing" Marcy says with a sigh. I nod in agreement. "Maybe we should take a break and clear our minds" the queen suggests. I hesitantly agree and we decide to go for a walk, even though is was already 1:19am. We slip on shoes, grab the pizza box and lemonade, and head out the door. We kinda just walk around aimless while eating pizza and sharing the gallon of lemonade. Most of the residents are already asleep, so the streets are completely empty except for the two of us. " you know what? We should lay somewhere and look at the stars" Marcy says with her finger in the air as if she had just made a new discovery. I hardly hace time to shrug before the vampire grabs me by the wrist and leads me to the grass. "Wow, aggressive much?" I get a chuckle in response. We lay down on the grass, which is surprising soft, and look at all the stars. "Ever wonder who all is looking at the same stars?" Marcy asks me. I chuckle in response like she had earlier. After half an hour of looking at stars and pointing out consolations, we decide that we probably better go to bed and see what we can find tomorrow. We both stand up and hug eachother goodbye. There was a split second that me and Marcy made eye contact that I thought the vampire was going to lean in. But I left before that happened. Truth is, I could not stop thinking about the ball.

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