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Ariana's POV
In the moment I said his name it really sunk in. I'm with Alexander Rodriguez.

My mouth getting the better of me, and me just getting impatient I said something that could've cost my life.

"Just kill me already" I blurt out

"Oh princess you see it's not that simple" he said but then continued.
"You see princess you're mine. I would never hurt or kill what's mine. I always get what I want . And you my dear girl are what I want. Therefore you're mine." He said while playing with a lock of my hair.

"The fuck not" I thought. Or at least I thought I did.

"Oh sweetheart you are MINE even if you want to think so or not."

"Wait did I just say that out loud?" I thought again. But apparently not just like the first time.

Alexander just chuckled

"Yes baby you did" he said while continuing to chuckle.

As I started to get out of his embrace where I was being held captive basically he took out his phone and called someone. Like I have I idea who. All of a sudden a black truck SUV thingy pulled up and Alex started walking with me still in his arms.

I think the fuck not. And with him not saying anything I know that thought stayed in my head I started thrashing around not wanting to go with him, but the only thing I could do is fight.

I was not going to get any help form anyone because it's his territory and it was to my disadvantage.

As I was thrashing and screaming he hugged me even tighter to him but then ultimately threw me over his shoulder and I punched his back.

"Calm the fuck down god damn it."He said to me

"I don't think so. I'm getting fucking kidnapped." I screamed. Then I felt a pierce and a sting in my neck. I instantly knew what that meant.

That fucker is so dead when I wake up. With that I passed out in his arms not before saying one last thing to him.
"I hate you". Then I faded into darkness.

For the whole ride i was in and out of consciencenss.

When we arrived back at the mansion before I finally woke up then I saw the girls and the same thing was happening to Kaylee.

Then for the last time I gave into the darkness.

I opened my eyes and I had a killer head ache but I couldn't focus on anything for a few minutes.

Once the world stopped spinning and came into focus I realized I wasn't in my bed, or my room, or my house even. Then the memories came back to me.

I was mad and I don't care if he's a gang leader so is my dad and brother will be too.

"ALEXANDER" I scream letting all my anger into my scream. Plus let me tell you when I scream I scream so y'all better hide and cover your ears when I'm mad.

Alex comes bursting in the room looking worried while I sat on the bed tapping my fingers on my now crossed arms.

"Princess what's wrong" he said kneeling in front of me.

"Well one you fucking sedated me. Two you kidnapped me. Three I fucking hate you for the other two reasons. And four the same thing happened to my friend." I said seething.

"Ariana I thought something bad happened to you" he said getting mad.

"It did. It fucking did I got kidnapped by you for gods sake." I said

"Princess you'll learn you're mine. You will live here with me and sleep in my room with me on my bed. You will learn sweetheart I'm not one to be messed with." He said before he stormed out of the room locking it.

Now I'm trapped great. Yay oh joy. Then I remembered I had my phone in my dress.

Hell yeah dumb ass. But he'll realize if I send a text and I'm not dumb. I sent it to the group chat I have with my parents and my brothers. Point me.
To group chat
Ari- "Guys things didn't go according to plan. Please help me. Kidnapped in Blood Rose mansion. Not hurt just come and get me please. Love you all. ~ Ariana". I send it before anyone realizes.

I then get texts from my brothers and parents saying that they were coming.

Just as fast as that sliver of hope came it went because just then Alex took my phone.

"What the fuck did you just do?" He asked still mad.

"None of your business" I said copying his tone.
Alexander just looks at my phone.

"Damn Ariana you had to go and do that" he screams which made me jump and whimper a little. The power he had scared me a little but it would take a lot to scare me.
He the kneels down in front of me and moves a lock of my hair behind my ear being as gentle as possible while still being mad.

"Ariana I would never hurt you. But this shows I can't trust you yet because you pulled a stunt like this. Now I have to deal with your brothers and parents. Baby girl I would've let you talk to them but you had to do this." He said as gently as he possibly could.

What the actual hell. He was actually being nice. He then stood up and kissed my fore head. Then Alex picked me up bridal style and I just let him. I'm still trying to process what just happened.

He then took us down stairs and I waited with him for my family to come with him, the girls, his brother who 'claimed' Kaylee like he did me.

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