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Ariana's pjs above.
Ariana's POV
That one word. One word really does reveal all. In that one word. Tramp. I didn't even do anything.

"Excuse me?" I question to the retreating waitress.

"You heard me." She says while glaring at me. She then decides to dig herself a deeper hole.

"You don't deserve to be here with him. But you know what you do deserve. This..." and with that she took my lemonade ice tea and dumped it over my head.

That's it I'm done.

"Bitch test me one more time and see what happens."I sneer.
She then breaks the glass of the cup and points the jagged edges at my throat.

Then we all turn at the sound of a revolver click launching a bullet into the chamber waiting to be fired.
And the person holding it is the one and only Alexander Rodriguez. The one who calmed years prior after his parents' death that he couldn't love anyone anymore. Or care about people anymore ,who were outsiders. As well as protecting the people he did actually love before anyone else not willing to protect outsiders, and only the people he knows and trusts. Then why would he try to save my life.


Well if I'm still alive later I'll talk to him about this.

I also take the opportunity where she's distracted.

I glance at her feet and there close together leaving her with less balance then would be beneficial to her. I then discreetly nod no to Alexander signaling him not to shoot. So I sweep her legs out from under her and catch her by her hair and whisper this last warning to her.

"Touch me again bitch and I won't hesitate to kill you. I may not be part of blood Rose like you but I am a cobra, the daughter of Antonio James and Rosalina Alvarez I know how to hurt you. Don't make that mistake again." I say in an intimidating tone and throw her to the ground.

I look up at Alex and he just has a smirk as well as a proud look on his face as he steps over the broken glass and waitress. He then holds out his hand for me to take, and I take it wanting to leave since that bitch tried to attack me.

Finally we were at Alex's motorcycle and he helps me on.

"Thanks." I say genuinely for being sweet to me.

"What was that back there." He asked raising an eyebrow and smiling. There was no cocky smirk under his smile It was his true smile. Something I've never seen before.

"Training in real life." I say and wink. In turn he just chuckles and got onto the motorcycle seat in front of mine.
Looping my arms around his waist so I don't fall off we head back to his mansion.

Just as we get into the mansion Alex stops and grabs my waist.
"Go bathe and get ready for bed. I'll be waiting for you in my office." He whispers into my ear leaving me confused.

He just chuckles at my expression and kisses my cheek.

"Oh and by the time you're done I'll have Hailey give you some pjs to borrow. I know wearing my shirts all the time isn't ideal." He says and gives me a look. His eyes show pain? Why would he care if I'm comfortable or not.

Not pondering on this any longer I head up to my room and run the bath water hot and plug the drain as well as turning on the jets. And like promised Hailey left a set of pjs in my size with a note attached.

"Here you go Ari one set of pjs for you. Keep them if you want for now. Oh and I'm taking you shopping tomorrow. Hope you like this set of pjs, and I brought you a pair you wouldn't threaten. And I also brought you a set of clothes for tomorrow.
Ps. Alex told me what happened tonight at the restaurant. That bitch got what she deserved. I hope you have feelings for my brother because he never cared about a girl the way he cares for you. Please don't lead him on or break his heart.
- the great all knowing and wonderful Hailey."

I just laughed. Of course Hailey would end a sign off with ' the great ,all knowing ,and wonderful Hailey'. But does Alex really like me the way Hailey just said he does.

With that I took the pjs that consisted of a yellow shirt and shorts. All in all not something I hate. Wow she was actually right not a pair of clothes that I would threaten to burn ,rip ,or anything else for being too revealing.

Since I was dressed and my hair was still dripping I decided to put it up into a bun. As requested by the one and only Alexander himself I went to his office after i finished. It was about two hours since we got back.
I softly padded to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard a deep muffled voice from the other side of the door.

As I walked in I saw Alexander sitting behind a large mahogany desk.
"Hey."He said.

"Hi." I replied. Wow so original Ariana.

I gave him a questioning glance while sitting down onto one of the leather sofas he had next to his desk.

"I know you have some questions. The way you look at me. As if you want to ask me something." He say and then he continues.

"I thought it would be a good idea to be honest with each other if we were going to live together. Ask me anything and I'll answer as best I can Princess. I hope the same can be said about you." He asks.

"Okay" I sigh out.

He gets up from his desk leaving any work behind and sits next to me on the couch.

"Ok so first question." We both start off and for hours we ask each other about normal things like favorite food and movies and stuff like that. But then it comes to the more meaningful questions.

"Alex?" I ask.


"What happened tonight why did you try and protect me. I thought you didn't care about me. I remember a few years ago you claimed you wouldn't protect outsiders or people you didn't care about. Why me."

( A/N sorry )

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