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Arianas POV

With that being said Alexander's Nona Just huffed and turned around and kept cooking in her half of the kitchen. Thankfully Alex has two ovens so we didn't have to fight over an oven if I needed it.

For dessert I made Oreo truffles. Oreo truffles are one of Alex's favorite desserts so I made sure to make them as a surprise. The fudge I added would finish congealing during dinner while in the fridge.

As dinner was set on the table I was instructed to "collect" everyone for dinner. Weird terminology for asking me to get everyone but whatever.

Heading to Alex's office I lightly knock on the door. Not long after Alex replies with a 'come in'.

As I entered I see him running a hand through his already distraught hair. He was clearly stressed.

"Hey are you okay" I ask my eyebrows slightly furrowing in concern.

"Yeah now that you're here. C'mere." When I don't budge he looks at me with his best puppy dog eyes. "Please" he asks in such a cute way.

"Fine." I sigh. "The things I do for you." He chuckles and gives me a quick peck on my lips.

"So what's up" he asks.

"Dinners ready and as your Nona said I would collect you all. You were last in my list because I wanted to spent time with you." I tell him. "Also I have a surprise for you after dinner so..." I said leaning in and putting my face in between where his shoulder and neck meet.
He just chuckled softly and held me closer while I relaxed into him even further. We sat like that comfortably him rubbing my back with one hand and playing with my hair with the other hand. Looking at the clock I realize it's been ten minutes. As I'm about to tell Alex we have to go to dinner his Nona burst through the door.

"Ariana I told you to bring Alexander to dinner not this." She roared at me.

"Nona" Alexander yelled.

"You're so much like your mother Alexander" she sighs.

"Stop being such a slut and get off my grandson. I told you to bring him down for dinner and you press yourself against him. Didn't your mother ever teach you not to be so whore like or was she a whore too." She was looking to hurt me and she did. If she wasn't related to Alex I would've pulled a gun already. I refrained and let hot angry tears run down my face.

Although she wouldn't see or hear it I snuggled closer to Alex and cried into the crook of his neck. To be clear they were tears of frustration and anger since I couldn't do anything not because I was sad about what she said even if I was a bit.

He seemingly understood my restraint and did something I thought he would never do. He told her off.

"Grandmother" that was a blow right there. "You have no right to say that to Ariana. She my princess. My life my babygirl. Just as mother was to father. She's had a lot of self restraint in not lashing out so I think either you be civil or you could go back to Nono back in Italy because I won't let you hurt my princess and annoy Kaylee because I know how you are. Leave both girls out of this and we'll be fine. I won't let you terrorize Ariana like you did to mother because he wasn't deemed good enough by you."

"Do you love her." She asks while my heart stopped and I froze.

"Yes I love her." He says grudgingly.

"I'll go pack my things then." She says with a huff and leaves to go pack...I'm assuming. I know she came on a private jet so she doesn't need to wait all that long. But she didn't have to leave just be civil.

Alex the picks me up and places me on his clear desk.

While wiping my tears he whispers "I love you princess."

"I love you too Alex... so much." I say as I hug him.

(A/N: hello my lovely readers. I want to say a few things. Firstly thank you so much for reading and secondly I know this chapter was short. Believe me I know and I get that but this is an important chapter and the next one will be longer I promise this was also a bit of a filler chapter but important none the less. Also these aren't edited because I'm lazy and do have things to do. Please don't be mad. Love you all bunches.

-yours truly❤️❤️❤️❤️)

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