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Ariana's POV
The next day I wake up. I wake up to an empty bed. No Alex. No way he'd just ditch me...would he though?
Disregarding that thought I get up get dressed and pack my training clothes in a bag and head down stairs tying my hair in a high ponytail.

Today's Victoria's day off yet I still smell breakfast and hear the sizzling of the pan. Weird.
Just as I make my way into the kitchen I see Alex standing over the stove making breakfast. Also seeing my moment to steal some bacon. As I snatch a piece he looks and groans.

"Yours is already on the table. Why'd you have to steal mine." He complained.

"Cuz I like bacon and it was easier then going to the table. Plus I didn't know mine was on the table."

"Mhm" was all he responded while filling his plate up with food.

Breakfast was pretty much eventless unless you count me steeling bacon every now and then from Alex's plate and the extra plate.
After a lot of convincing Alex finally let me go to HQ to train and he gave me my phone back. So yay I can talk to my family and friends again. Kaylee and I plan to hang out today while Alex and Michael work and were figuring out why hailey doesn't live with the guys anymore. They are siblings after all. So why not ask.
Just as we were pulling up to HQ I saw Hailey waiting for Kaylee and I.

"Alright I'm stealing these two for target practice. Bye boys and let's go hoes." Hailey said excitedly.

"Hey." Both Alex and Michael said at the same time while the three of us laughed. I guess they don't know we talk like this.

"That's just how we talk no need to get your panties in a twist" Kaylee said before I could cut in. But this also shocked the hell out of the guys because Kaylee is usually sweeter and less blunt informant of the guys. But never us. She's always like this in front of us.

"Kales..." Michael said dumbfounded.

"Alright mother fuckers let's rock this shit." I said to the girls.

"Ari..." Alexander said repeating his brothers tone.

"What I meant target practice" I said as innocently as I could to Alexander.

After that the girls and I just ditched the boys and went to target practice.

From target practice Hailey, Kaylee, and I went to sparing, the gym to work out a bit and then we went to the pool to swim. Today was actually really fun. And currently we're all still at the pool swimming.

"Hey Hailey can we ask you a question." Kaylee asked.

"Of course babes what's up" she asked swimming over to Kaylee and I.

"Why don't you live with Michael and Alexander." I asked.

"A few reasons actually. One was because they were both playboys, fuck boys, whatever you want to call it. Then the second reason was that I felt like they didn't have time to hang out anymore and they also got annoyed with me so easily I thought it would be better to live in the room I have in HQ. We all have rooms here in case you didn't know. But I kinda just moved in." She confesses.

"Well come back. And we're not taking no for an answer. I have Michael and he is amazing and Ariana has Alexander but that's kinda complicated. Anyway that's not the point. We need another girl in the house. And if there being assholes they'll have to take it up with us. C'mon just come back." Kaylee said in her lecture.

"Well said babes alright." Hailey said while I eyed her suspiciously.

"What's the catch." I say raising an eyebrow.

"I'll think about it. But it might have to involve a little bit of humiliation for the two bozos in that little mansion of theirs." She says mischievously.

Ignoring Hailey and the mischievous glint she has in her eye we continue swimming until the guys come to tell us we have half an hour to dry off as well as change and then we go back to the mansion. I have yet to call it home like Hailey and Kaylee do.
Hailey, Kaylee, and I go to meet Michael and Alex informing them that she's moving back in and head back to the mansion for the night.

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