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Ariana's POV
The next morning I woke up with a headache from all that has happened in the past night.I also woke up really having to pee. DAMN

I tried to wriggle out of Alexander's grip but that caused him to only tighten it. Like I said tried. Please know the meaning. It means not successful but attempted to. That's what I did so sue me.

"Alex" I whine so he'll let me go.

Then I resort to being childish and I poke his face.

Still to no avail I can't get up. That's it I'm done so I scream which is one of my specialties really.

This seems to do the trick because he falls off the bed looking alarmed. Then he pulls out his gun I had no idea he had. Oops.

"What the actual hell Ariana" he screamed.

Now I'm going to play with his emotions a bit because he basically traded for me, and now is yelling.

I pretend to cry. Even a fake tear comes out of my eye. Wow I'm good I even surprised myself.

"Baby what wrong" he cooed while hugging me.

"I-I had to pee but you wouldn't get up" I fake sob.

"Princess I'm sorry" he says.

"Me too" I say in a more chipper tone. So I then take my opportunity and book it to the bathroom. As I do I hear Alex mumble something

"You'll be the death of me princess."<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Currently it's just noon and I head down stairs to see if I can try and put the pieces of my oh so enjoyable life back together.
And I realize I can maybe do that because sitting in front of me was Kaylee. She looks pretty as always.

"Hey mother fucker" I call out for Kaylee.

"Sup hoe." She says while smiling at me.

I go over to where Kaylee is sitting and plop down next to her. Then I accidentally get her going and damn that girl can gossip to the point where it's like...her super power... wait no it's her sport. Her life motto.
I find out that she actually likes Alex's brother Michael. Kaylee just goes on how sweet he is and how amazing he is and barf. Like seriously.

Don't get me wrong I love that Kaylee is happy but it's not fair. I can't find my true love if I'm trapped here. Just as I'm thinking of that depressing thought Alex walks down stairs and comes over to me wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Girls. Today we start training go get changed."Kaylee and I give each other a glance before her and Michael walk upstairs together leaving just me and Alexander.

"Babe go get ready before I do it for you" he breathes into my ear filling that once peaceful silence. My eyes then widen at what he had just implied and said at the same time.

He also informed me where to get clothes for training. I kinda figured that's where Kaylee would be.

As I was leaving I started to sprint because of the comment that came out of his mouth earlier.

"Ewww perv"I screamed. I was worried how he'd take it until I heard him chuckle behind me.
As I got changed I realized I'd be training. Oh the joys of life, exercising. My one goal in life to actually do stuff. Once again my sarcasms kicking in.

Just to let y'all know I do like to exercise but not to the extent of dying and to the point of more then three hours in a row. Training in a gang is as tough as professional sports training. You need to be in tip top shape at all times or someone could easily kill you.

The set I picked was actually kinda cute though. Kaylee picked out a similar set and we headed back down stairs.

Once we did Kaylee went back into Michael's arms while he embraced her as I just stood next to Alex. He looked at me basically asking my permission to do the same. Hell no. So I just walked away outside to the training area.

"We ready or what" I ask and the three idiots that are coming outside.

"Alright girls six mile run to our HQ test stamina, then I'll give you a break determined by how you do. After that we will have combat training in the training room at our HQ. Well have sparing in that room as well as some other stuff. Today's going to be a difficult day for the two of you so be ready for anything. Let's see what you're made of." He states confidently. Let's see how long that lasts.
54 minutes and 6 long and painful miles later

As we arrived at Alex's HQ Michael lead Kaylee inside to rest, where I collapsed on to the ground. I was unbelievably tired and sore.

Alex came over to me where i was on the ground.

"Hey. Come on get up" he tells me. I'm tired and don't want to move. I'm good.

"Ariana" he states getting annoyed at me not listening.

"Ariana" he yells this time.

"Alex leave me alone I just doubled the amount of miles I run on a pretty good time too, I'm sore and tired just please leave me alone. You've done enough" I scream back. Until now I haven't realize I've been crying. I'm just done. I can't even feel my legs.

He sighed.

"Alright come on" he said with a slightly softer tone.

"I'm on the fucking ground how do you think it's going to work out for me getting up asshole." I remarked. In turn he just smirked and replied.

"Like this." Is all he said before he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder while walking me into his HQ.

As we walked we passed a lot of people including Kaylee and Michael. He brought me to a room and put me down on the bed. I just groaned while sitting up. As i did so I noticed that the room was a dark navy blue with white stripes. There was little to no mess and there was a big mahogany desk near the back side of the of the room. It was actually quite similar to his room back at his mansion.

Alex glanced at me while I took in my surroundings and smirked.

"Like it."He asked

"Mmhmm" I sighed to tired to speak.

"Well it's ours." He said exaggerating the word ours.

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