Chapter 10

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Tris POV:
I was walking back from watching Chris tell Will about the baby when I almost face planted because someone ran into me. "Hey Trissy poo, Candor or Dauntless at my place toning, be there or be a pansycake!" Uriah shouted in my ear. "Okay Uri I'll be there, will it be kid friendly or do I have to get a baby sitter?" "Nah, bring her, it's just the gang playing, no psycho Peter butter knife guys." I laughed and went on my way back home.
When I got there, I saw the cutest sight, Tobias and Sammy were playing together on the living room floor and being so cute. I love seeing Tobias' soft side, and it's been showing up more and more with Sammy around.
"Hey you two cuties" I said as I walked in.
"Oh hi Tris" Tobias answered standing up quickly. Trying to cover up that he was playing with Sammy. "Tobias, I saw you playing with her, and it was so cute. You don't need to cover it up." His face immediately blushed and he came over and kissed me slowly on the lips. "Eww mommy and daddy are kissing" Sammy wined.
For the rest of the night we talked and watched old movies. It's funny watching the futuristic movies according to the people who made it, because what they pictured would happen did not happen at all. "Momma I'm hungry" Sammy wined. "Ya I'm hungry too momma" Tobias wined imitating a 4 year old. "Okay little ones, lets get you two some dinner and cake if your good" I responded talking to them like babies. "Yay" they both shouted and ran out of the door.
We got our food and sat at our usual table with the rest of the gang. "Hey tris, is four coming tonight with Sammy to my awesome party tonight?" Uriah asked me. "Yes we all are Uriah don't worry" I responded. We finished eating and got ready for the game.
~At Uriah's Apartment~
"Hello and welcome to my amazing house" Uriah called out as we came in. "My house I get to go first, Shauna Candor or dauntless?" "Dauntless" she replied " Okay, you know your ex jack, I dare you to go to his house and confess your love to him, then smack him in the face and yell at him for cheating on you" Uriah said. That was a good dare. So Shauna went with Uriah and Zeke as witnesses and they came back in killing themselves laughing. Once they calmed down Shauna said "Okay Will, Candor or dauntless?" "Umm Can..." "PANSYCAKE!!!" Uriah screamed over him saying Candor. "Anyways, why did you transfer from erudite?" " Because they were all to stuck up for me" he replied." And Christina wasn't there". A chorus of awws filled the room. Will then asked Marlene who asked Lynne who asked Me and then I asked Uriah " Candor or dauntless?" "I ain't no pansycake so Dauntless" "okay I dare you to go into the pit and trip the first person you see and then say sorry about that my foot stopped working for a second there" so he went and tripped Eric and then told him and he got a punch in the face for it but it was soo funny.
"Now for my next victim" Uriah said evilly scanning the room "Sammy Candor or dauntless" omg he chose Sammy really!! "Dauntless, kuz I ain't no pansycake" she said in the cutest little voice. "Okay Sammy, I dare you to go up to uncle Zeke and jump onto his lap really hard okay" Uriah said. So she did it and Zeke screamed like a little girl, it was so funny. "Okay my turn" Sammy said so adorably. "Daddy, Candor or dauntless??" "Dauntless" Tobias answered quickly. He obviously wasn't worried about what she was gonna ask him. "Daddy, I dare u and mommy to give me a baby brother or sister." When she said that Tobias froze up and I had a shocked expression on my face. In the back ground you could see Zeke and Uriah trying to contain their laughter. "Um sweetie" Tobias nervously said " we can't give you a baby now, it takes time" "Can I have one after the time it takes daddy??" "I don't know Sammy" he responded calmly. "Okay daddy" she said in a sad voice.
We continued playing until 12 that night, but what Sammy asked for was so confusing and I don't know what to do about this situation.....

Hi guys, I am so so so so so so so sorry about not updating for like 2 months😂😂. I feel really bad and I'm gonna do my best to update as frequently as possible, but I'm making no promises because winter is my busiest time of the year. Anyways I hope you liked it.

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