Chapter One: an unexpected visitor

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Marinette sighed as she recalled the events that happen earlier, Lila had gone out of her way to make her life unbearable by tripping her in front of everyone and bullying her when no one was watching. Alya and her boyfriend Nino helped her out of course but everyone else just laughed at her or thought that couldn't do anything, she wiped a tear from her eye and picked up her sketchbook, making some designs would lift her spirits it was the only thing she felt good at. One day she would be a famous designer and she wouldn't have to worry about people bullying her just because they felt bored, after about a hour she had drawn a fancy red dress with sliver gems across the neckline "this looks beautiful I should buy some fabric for it tomorrow, " she placed her sketchbook back on her night table and turned off her light but before she could fall asleep a loud bang came from her balcony, as did someone groaning pain. She got out of bed and opened her balcony door to find Paris number one criminal Cat Blanc holding groaning in pain, she had so many questions first why was here, was he hurt or just pretending so he could mug her or even worse rape her while she tried to help him, and since when did he look so cute? 'Wait what, snap out of it Marinette he's a criminal, ' Marinette told herself almost slapping herself for thinking such a thing. She thought about just closing the door and leaving him to bleed to death but inside her heart she knew that was wrong even if was a bad person she couldn't leave him when he needed help, so taking a deep breath she walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, he looked up with her with his unblinking green eyes "what are you here to tell me that you've called the police on me?" He asked "no I just wanna help you, " she said offering her hand to him "you help me, did you hit your head you should know that I'm a dangerous criminal? " He asked thinking she was joking "no I didn't and to me you seem to act more like a baby, now can I see your wound? " She asked "are you a doctor or something? " he asked removing his hand from his waist to reveal a very bloody injury, "no but I sew that up for you just hang on, " she said going back into her room and grabbing her needle and thread. Cat Blanc flinched at the sight of the object "what don't tell me the mighty Cat Blanc is afraid of needles? " Marinette jokingly asked as she kneeled down next to him to stitch him up and he gave her an annoyed glare. She carefully stitched him up but it was a long process as she kept messing up due to her patient's flinching and complaining "ow it hurts, " he said "look if you hold still I will hurt this, " Marinette said trying to keep her cool. After what seemed like forever she had finished and Cat Blanc stood up to leave "um.. Thank you.. " he said struggling to even say the two words and she blushed "your welcome, " she said nervously "later, " he said giving her a smile and then disappearing into the night

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