Chapter Four: She's in love

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Despite knowing how dangerous and stupid it was, Marinette continued to get close to Cat Blanc when he came to visit her during the night, she loved how everytime he came to see her, he would give her a pink rose, she didn't know where he got them but she still thought it was sweet. Infact he had brought her so many roses that she almost had a vase full of them. She had to admit that he wasn't that bad as everyone thought he was, he was funny even though his puns we're terrible, he was quite sweet and complimented her almost everyday, and he was a good listener and she could talk to him about almost anything. Well expect who he was, or why he decided to break the law, she wouldn't admit to herself but she had gotten so used to seeing him that she had almost forgotten about what he did on a daily basis. She tried her best to keep her friendship and also slight crush on him secret but of course she couldn't hide anything from Alya "Girl I've been calling your name for ten minutes what gives and are you wearing make up? " Alya asked and Marinette turned pink with embarrassment "just a little, " "you never wear make up, are you trying to impress someone? " Alya asked smiling "I already told you I don't have a crush on anyone, " Marinette declared folding her arms and without warning she bumped into Adrien and fell "woah careful, you okay? " he asked holding his hand out to her and she tock it, even the two of them had become better friends she still froze up everytime she saw him due to his uncanny resemblance to Cat Blanc but there was they we're the same person, Adrien was to nice to be a criminal. "Sorry about that, " She said "no worries see you later Marinette, " he said waving to her as he left "so what was that about not having a crush? " Alya asked smirking "okay fine I admit it I maybe sorta like someone but I'm not telling you who it is, " Marinette said blushing furiously "girl you wouldn't be changing your appearance for the guy if you weren't totally into him, your in love." Alya declared leaving Marinette speechless, because that thought had been at the back of her head since she first saw on her balcony. 'Is she right am in love.. with Cat Blanc? ' she asked herself that question over and over agian as she walked home, and even during dinner she couldn't keep her mind off it, "Honey is everything all right you've hardly touched your food? " her mother asked "oh I'm sorry mom I've just got alot on my mind, " Marinette said apologizing and finishing up her dinner "I'm really tired I think I'm going to go to bed early, " Marinette stated "are you sure your feeling alright dear your blushing like crazy? " Sabine asked worried that her daughter was sick "well you see mom there's a boy I can't stop thinking about, " she admitted hoping her mother wouldn't question her statement more "oh my little girl is in love, " Sabine said happily and Marinette felt her stomach turn at those words, because she knew her mother and Alya were both right, she was in love with Cat Blanc, and that should have scared her but it didn't. He made her feel safe, and she had never bonded so much with anyone except for maybe Alya, so as sat in her room she came to the decision that when she saw him tonight, she would tell him even if he thought she was kidding.

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