Chapter Six: Are they the same person

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A/n Adrien is going to attempt to flirt with Marinette in this chapter
"Girl you seem much happier and a bit paler what happened last night? " Alya asked "the best thing ever Alya, " Marinette exclaimed still on cloud nine from her make out session from last night. "Really want was it  tell me girl I can't stand not knowing, " Alya said eager for details but Marinette refused to say anything. "What's this do I see Dupain-Cheng smiling? " a cruel voice asked and much to Marinette's annoyance it was none other the Chole and her group of mean girls, "oh great its the nosy bee who can't keep herself out of other people's  business, " Marinette said rolling her eyes, she had gotten alot more confident in the past month which was a shock to everyone especially Chole. "Watch your tone with me Dupain-Cheng, you know that I can do anything I want while your nothing but a penniless do-gooder, " Marinette clutched her fists at this and stood up from her seat "I'm not putting up with your crud anymore so take your attitude and get lost! " Marinette said standing up for herself "how dare you you speak to me with that tone, you need to learn your place Maritrash you we're born worthless and you will die worthless! " Chole declared raising her hand to slap Marinette's face but someone grabbed her arm before she could "Adrikins? " Chole asked giving him a questioning gaze as he gave her a look of anger "you shouldn't talk like to her Chole, " he spat "but she's nothing but a horrible girl whose so clumsy and can't do anything, " Chole said and this only seemed to make him angrier "apologize Chole, " he demanded "why should I, she's not worth it. " Chole declared managing to break free of his hold "ouch why did you grip me so tight Adrikins no my arm  really hurts, " Chole complained "good I didn't care anyway now if you don't mind why don't you run along and take your insults with you. " Adrien declared and Chole walked away scowling, "you didn't have to do that Adrien, " Marinette said still surprised he had reacted the way he did normally he was super calm and nice, she made a note to not get on his bad side. "Yes I did she was going to hurt you and I had to do something," Adrien said returning to his normally calm self "besides she's to jealous because your so nice and pretty, " Adrien said causing Marinette to turn red, 'why does he have this effect on me I have a boyfriend now, and sure they look similar but I can't betray my  kitty. ' Marinette thought to herself "um..  thanks, " she stammered 'why did do that, he's going to think I'm weird. ' But he just smiled "I gotta go but I'll see you later Marinette, " he said waving at her and then walking off to class. "Woah it seems like your crush has competition, " Alya commented "yeah, " Marinette said in a bit of a sad tone, 'I felt it again, the feeling of being safe when he smiled, could Adrien be my kitty? Is that why he got so angry when Chole insulted me and now that I think about it didn't my kitty attack Lila the same day Adrien arrived and I saw him give her this look of hatred after she bullied me. Infact I've always felt like they we're to similar to just be a consequence, I mean they look the same, they make me feel the same way and they both compliment me on a daily basis, maybe I crazy or maybe I'm confused but I think I just figured out who Cat Blanc is. ' She thought to herself as she sat in her desk, "Marinette class is about to began you should stop daydreaming, " Alya said shaking her out of her thoughts. "Sorry, " she said pulling out her notebook from her backpack and looking at the notes her teacher had on the board.

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