Chapter Two: I can't stop thinking about him

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The next morning at school all Marinette could think about was what happened last night, "are you okay girl? " Alya asked her during homeroom "huh whatever do you mean?" Marinette asked innocently "girl you covered your notebook in lovely dovey hearts, " Alya said and Marinette stared down at her notebook and saw she had indeed covered a page with hearts that said M+ CB "so who's CB? " Alya asked and an embarrassed quickly erased the hearts "nobody, ' she almost yelled and Alya giggled "omg you've got a crush on a boy! " She said excitedly "no I don't, " Marinette said turning a deep shade a red 'yes you do your blushing like crazy, " Alya said "I am? " Marinette asked "I need the details, is he cute, does he go to our school, what's his name? " Alya asked trying to get details out of her bestfriend but Ms. Bustier's (is that how you spell her name?) voice "settle down students, now I'm sure your all eager to see how you did on your exams, but before I give them out I would like to annoce that we have a new student joining us today. " The teacher said and then a very handsome looking teen walked in the room, "Class this is Adrien Agreste, I except for you all to make him feel welcome, since this is his first time in public school. " All the girls in the room with the exception of Alya seemed to have all developed instant crushes on him, as they all offered to have him seat next to them but he decided to sit in front of Marinette causing her to almost have a panic attack, due to how similar he looked to her unexpected visitor. "Hi I'm Adrien, " he said holding out his hand to shake "um.. Hi I'm Marinette, " she said nervously 'wait why was she nervous ? ' she mently asked herself "have we met before? " She asked unexpectedly "we may have crossed paths once, " he admitted and Marinette didn't know how to answer that.
After her last class ended Marinette was eager to head to the store to buy some fabric for her new dress but as she stood up Lila tripped her causing her to fall on her face, "oops my foot slipped, " Lila said smirking and almost everyone in the class laughed "oh grow up Lila she could have really been hurt you know! " Alya said helping her best friend who looked very upset "its not my fault she's so stupid and clumsy, " Lila said walking away with her head high in the air, as she did however Marinette noticed that Adrien's eyes never seemed to leave Lila even as she left the room, it honestly scared a bit. But its not like it mattered, Lila got away with everything because she so good at making herself innocent. "Girl are you okay? " Alya asked "it doesn't matter let's just go, " Marinette said wiping a tear from her eye. Awhile later Marinette cheered up when she bought her new fabric and stared working on her dress, it took longer then she expected and before she knew it, it was nearly 9:00 at night. She yawned and began to get ready for bed when she heard a tap on her window however when she went out on her balcony all she found was a pink rose and a note, "who left them here?" She asked opening the note to see that it only said a few words thank you-CB "I guess he's not so bad, " she said sleepily and walking back into her room.

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