Chapter Ten: A ring and a baby

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A/n omg I can't wait anymore I have to do the proposal I have planned in this chapter before I forget it, even if happens at a weird time, also what do you think of the ring I picked out I think its beautiful.
Marinette was relieved when she finally stopped throwing up, but what confused her was now she was hungry. 'I just threw up my breakfast, I shouldn't eat anything, ' she told herself but it was hard to ignore the growling of her stomach, also who was Adrien talking to, she had heard two voices so someone or something was talking to him. She washed her hands and thought that it was weird that she suddenly felt better, 'must have been something I ate, ' she thought opening the door only to see Adrien sitting on her bed looking like he seen a ghost, 'why is he so scared, ' she hadn't seen him look like this since the first night they met when it was revealed to her that he was terrified of needles. "Adrien now you look pale, what's wrong? " She asked sitting next to him but he remained silent, "sorry about that kiddo, Adrien may need a couple hours to process what I just told him, " Plagg said making Marinette jump a bit, "who and what are you? " She asked "Plagg nice to meet you and I'm a kwami, now got anything to eat i'm starving, " Plagg complained searching the room for anything to snack on "hey you can't eat anything in my room, if your hungry grab something from downstairs and don't let my parents see you. " Marinette said sternly as the white kwami flew downstairs, and she was left alone with Adrien, "Kitty your beginning to worry me, what did Plagg tell you? " She asked with concern grabbing his hand "princess I think we should take you to a doctor, " he answered unexpectedly "but Adrien I'm not sick, I feel fine now. " She told him "I know.... but I really think we should because... I got careless and I got you.. " Marinette shushed him so he wouldn't say anything else because their was no way, she was pregnant, it had only been one night and she promised her parents she wouldn't end up being a teenage mom once they learned she had a boyfriend. They of course didn't know he was but now she would have to fess up because she couldn't keep her relationship a secret if she had a child growing in her. "Please don't say it, if you do then I'll freak out and then I'll have to tell my parents and they get angry at me for not using protection, " why didn't she think to use a condom or something, she knew that sleeping with someone had consequences but she hoped she wouldn't have to deal with being pregnant until she was older. But the fact was, if he was probably right, it would explain why earlier she felt sick and now she felt fine. "If I am pregnant are you going to have me get rid of the baby? " She asked nervously, she didn't want to do that, but she had no doubt that Adrien wasn't planning on having a kid, "what no I wouldn't do that, " Adrien told her putting his hands on both of her shoulders, "I may be terrified at the moment but its our baby Marinette, and I love it as much as I love you. " This made her feel better but she still had to be sure, so she insisted on getting going to see the doctor to get a pregnancy test, and when test results came back positive she was both horrified and excited. The next day when she told her parents, she burst into tears because she thought they would be super angry with her, but to her surprise even though they we're disappointed
she didn't wait until marriage they offered her their endless support and we're excited to meet their new grandchild. Alya had completely freaked out when Marinette had told her about it at School, but agreed to help her out and keep the baby's father a secret,
Weeks had gone by, and Marinette's curiosity got the better of her when she noticed that Adrien wasn't at school and when he arrived late at night to see her. "What a secret are you keeping from me kitty? " She asked him but he refused to tell her, "can't tell you, because then it wouldn't be a surprise, " "please kitty, you know we don't keep secrets from eachother, " she said now eager to know since he looked happy teasing her about it. "Nope, if you knew it wouldn't be special, " he said pecking her on the check "alright I give up, " she laughed "I promise you'll love it, now come on since your so eager I'll give it to you a night early, " he said offering her his hand and she eagerly tock it and wrapped her arms around his neck, he leapt across rooftops until he reached one that was covered in candles and rose petals, "close your eyes, " he told her and she did, 'I guess its now or never' Cat Blanc thought as he tock the ring box from his pocket, "can I open them? " she asked "yes you may, " he answered and Marinette was close to tears when she did, "Marinette these few months with you have been the most amazing time of my life and I know that people won't allow us to be together but I want you in life and I don't ever want to let you go, Marinette will marry me? " he asked and she cried tears of joy "yes my kitty a thousand times, "

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