Chapter Seven: Night of passion

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A/n chapter contains some sin so prepare yourself, -Clato3

"You've been quiet princess, is everything alright? " Cat Blanc asked noticing that she had hardly said anything since he had arrived "I'm sorry kitty I guess you could just say I've got a lot on my mind," Marinette admitted "what kind of things my princess?" he asked taking her hand and kissing it "well I know you don't like talking about it but I want to know who you are if were going to be in a relationship we shouldn't keep secrets from each other," Marinette said causing her boyfriend to tense up "I...really want to tell you but I can't... nobody can know and I don't want to put you in danger," Cat Blanc said, his cat ears dropped in sadness and it honestly looked heartbreaking. Marinette wanted to hug him but she wasn't sure she should, after all, asking about his identity was a lot considering that if anyone else found he'd get arrested and she'd never see him again, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked, I'm terrible." She said shaming herself "no you're not terrible Marinette, I'm pretty sure that just applies to me, " he said sighing "still that was selfish of me, I just thought that because of what happened at school today that I may have figured out who you were." Marinette admitted, "um..what exactly happened?" he asked nervously which shocked her, he was hardly afraid of anything except needles and being alone, "well this girl in my class named Chole was being mean to me and when she tried to slap me, Adrien grabbed her arm and possibly even hurt her a bit, it was so unlike him because he's always so calm and nice but here he looked so angry it almost scared me, he had that look in his eyes that you have whenever I mentioned Lila, so please tell me that it's you, Adrien, because I don't want it to be anyone else." Marinette declared and Cat Blanc looked at first with shock but then with a smile "well I'd be lying if I said you didn't figure me out, you got me, Mari I am Adrien." Marinette was so happy that she cried and then hugged him tightly "oh kitty what you did was the most wonderful thing anyone's ever done for me, how can I possibly repay you?" She asked "well for starters keep my identity a secret because I'm only making the exception for you and there is something I've been wanting to do with you for a while," Marinette went red as she realized what he meant, 'he wants to have sex with me?' she asked herself because her brain couldn't fully process this, it had no doubt be on her mind but she thought it wouldn't happen till further down the road. 'Holy crap I'm only sixteen am I even ready for this!?"The truth was she didn't know if she was, she just knew that she wanted him and didn't care what the consequences would be, she took a deep breath and suddenly found herself feeling a bit sweaty "What is it?" He asked noticing her uneasiness "it's just didn't expect for us to be making love so soon," she admitted hoping she wasn't sounding like a creep "but I want to do it, get inside me, Adrien," she told him and she didn't need to tell him twice, he picked her up bridal style, placed her on the bed and caressed her cheek. "Claws in," he said softly letting his transformation fade away, a small white call flew out of his ring and once he saw what was going on he floated into the closet to give them privacy. "My dear, why do you were clothes if I'm going to take them off?' He asked stripping her until she was wearing nothing but her bra, "I could ask you the same thing my kitty cat?" she asked taking off his clothes, the two then engaged in a lovemaking session and thankfully Marinette's parents were out so they wouldn't get caught. "your so beautiful Marinette," he told her and she moaned in pleasure.

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