Chapter Five: I kissed a criminal

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"Evening princess, " Cat Blanc said as soon as he saw her open the balcony door, "hi kitty, " she said giving him a tight hug. He hugged her back and then placed the rose he had brought for her in her hair, "hey, " she said giggling "what I think it looks nice... wait a second are you wearing make up? " he asked and she winced "just a little bit, " she admitted blushing "princess why are you wearing it, you don't make up to look pretty. " He stated playing with her hair "well I um.. thought that maybe it would like nice.. " She lied "Marinette your such a bad liar, besides you don't need makeup to look beautiful, " Cat Blanc said using his claws to touch her face, she turned beet red at the close contact and honestly thought that she might pass out. "You feeling okay princess? " he asked noticing her uneasiness "I um.. just um.., " she mentally cursed to herself for stammering like a idiot, 'come on Marinette its not hard just say that I love you, ' but for some reason she couldn't make herself say anything, she was scared but she wasn't sure if it was fear of rejection or being with him in general. "Kitty, um there's something I would like to tell you, " she said trying to hide the fear in her voice, "well go ahead I'm all ears, " he told her "please don't laugh at me when I see this because its the honest truth, I know that they're so many consequences for feeling this way but I can't help it... " "please don't say it, " Cat Blanc said interrupting her, knowing that she was about to confess her love for him, and although he felt the same way he didn't want to hear the words because it was the last thing his mother said to him before he lost her and he didn't want to lose his princess to. "But Kitty, that's how I feel, " Marinette said tearing up "I know but I can't let you say it or I will lose you, the last time someone said those words to me the next day I lost them and being with me isn't safe, do you know how much danger you will be in being with me? " he asked both upset, worried and angry "yes and I don't care, if I have to run away with you so be it, I love you. " She declared and before he could react she kissed him, in her mind she knew that this was wrong because she was making out with a man who police wanted behind bars but kissing felt so right. He kissed her back and refused to let her go worried that she would vanish if he did, when they finally pulled away for air, Marinette sunk into his arms as he trapped her in a loving embrace. "I don't want to lose you princess, your my everything and I love you, " Cat Blanc said still worried that being with him would only cause her downfall "I'm not ever going to leave you kitty, I promise. " She said kissing him on the check, "you realize that this has to stay a secret Marinette if anyone knew that I was with you, we'd both be locked up or even worse put to death. " He told her "I know and I don't care, your the one for me and always have been. " She said giving him a understanding smile

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