Chapter fourteen: what happens next?

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"Lila Rossi you're under arrest and anything you say can and will be used against you, " the officers said pushing a screaming Lila into their car. "I didn't do anything, you can't take me away! " She yelled but it became muffled as the car door closed, "take this girl to a mental hospital I have no doubt that she's insane, " the cheif officer said "yes sir, " the femlale officer answered. "I advise you two love birds make a run for it, not everyone is going to okay with the two of you being together. " The chief officer said "I think that ship has already sailed, " Cat Blanc said taking Marinette's hand "So where should we go now? " she asked "wherever you'd like princess, " he answered
"Breaking news yesterday Lila Rossi was arrested and sent to a mental hospital, after it was discovered that she was responsible for causing citizens to go insane with a magical broche and attack their loved ones. Because of this Cat Blanc has been cleared of all his charges and is believed by some to be a hero, " "wow I knew Lila was bad news but I never knew she would go that low, " Alya said watching the news report on her phone. "Speaking of surprises, Marinette I can't believe you didn't tell me that you got engaged to Cat Blanc, I know he turned out to be good but seriously girl he could have been a murderer! " Alya exclaimed and Marinette sunk into her seat because an angry Alya was never good, "well if she told you, I have no doubt you would have called the police on her new boyfriend. " Nino commented and Alya gave him a look but then sighed "yeah I would have, " she admitted "plus I swore to secery, and I wouldn't like all of Paris to find out in one day so please let's not talk about this, at school. " Marinette said putting her head on the table, "girl I'm sorry but it would only be because I was worried about you, but I saw how he reacted when you went a bit crazy so if he cares that much about you, then I approve the relationship. " Alya said sounding like a mother "thanks mom, " Marinette joked and her two friends laughed "so how did Adrien react to the news, I mean its no secret that he's got a thing for you but your taken. " Alya commented and Marinette had to mentaly slap herself so she wouldn't laugh "what's this about Marinette being taken? " Adrien asked who no one had seen come into the room "dude how do you do that, its like you just appear out of nowhere? " Nino asked almost jumping out of his chair "sorry man force of habit, " Adrien said taking a seat next to Nino "now what were you guys talking about? " Adrien asked and Marinette once again had to keep herself from laughing, "well dude we we're sure if you knew but Marinette is kinda of engaged to Cat Blanc," Nino explained "Nino don't be silly of course I knew, " Adrien said giving Marinette a wink.

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