Chapter Thirteen: he's innocent

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Marinette's head hurt, she wasn't sure why all she remembered was that Lila had tried affecting her with some black butterfly and after that is was all a blank " what happened?" She asked groggily opening her eyes "Marinette oh thank goodness your alright, I thought you we're going to leave me! " Cat Blanc exclaimed relieved that she was not only alright but was herself again, "no I won't ever leave you kitty, " Marinette resured him but their reunion was interrupted by the police, "Cat Blanc step away from the girl and put your hands in the air, " one of the officers ordered and Cat Blanc didn't resist as they handcuffed him "wait no officers please, you can't take him away he hasn't done anything. " Marinette said standing up and trying to get to him but two officers stopped her, "young lady we must ask you to stay back, he is a dangerous criminal, " but Marinette wasn't backing down, she couldn't let them take her kitty away. Lila was the one responsible for all the attacks not him, "no you have to listen to what I have to say, he didn't do anything wrong!" Marinette declared, Cat Blanc looked at her with a 'no don't' glance in his eyes "mam did he threaten you to say that?  According to the caller he was inches away from killing someone, " the female officer asked as the male held her back "no he didn't hurt me, he saved my life. I know he's attacked people but there's something you don't know, the victims we're all affected by a black butterfly that made them go crazy. That girl over there is the reason all those people got attacked she drove them into insanity with a broche she was wearing, Cat Blanc was only trying to help! " Some of the officers seemed to believe her but they couldn't put feelings above their jobs, they had orders to take Cat Blanc in to be given the death penalty, "sorry mam but you need prof of this story your telling and we can't disobey direct orders. " The officers pushed Cat Blanc towards their police car, but Marinette wasn't going to give up she raced out of the hold, the male officer had on her and stood infront of the car "mam if you keep interfering with this arrest we will have no choice but to arrest you as well, " "I can't let you take him away, he's innocent and I have prof of what really happened so  if your planning on killing him then you'll have to kill me too! " Marinette declared and everyone was shocked by her powerful statement, "mam how exactly do you know Cat Blanc? " The female officer asked and Cat Blanc shook his head warningly at Marinette hoping she wouldn't tell them, but he was wrong "I'm his fiancee, " she declared flashing her engagement ring in their faces, and all of the officers were so shocked that one of them actually fainted. "What evidence could you possibly have to prove that he's not guilty? " The female officer asked and Marinette pulled up the information she found on her phone the other day, "see all these people had gone crazy and tried attacking their loved ones, Cat Blanc was only trying to defend their families. Lila also used her butterfly on me, and can prove it because I have the broche she was wearing, " Marinette said holding out the now broken purple broche. Lila went pale as she noticed that the officers started to look at her, "she's lying that alley cat almost killed me and that broche isn't mind! " She yelled trying to defend herself "its funny that you mention that Lila, because I never said that the broche was yours. " Marinette said giving Lila an icy glare "realse him, " the sheriff said and the officers uncuffed Cat Blanc and Marinette ran right into his arms.

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