Chapter Nine: The truth and a unexpected surprises

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"You should get some rest dear, according to the nurse she said you looked like you had seen a ghost, " Sabine said as she helped her daughter with her things "yeah I really don't feel good, I may be down in a bit, " Marinette said slowly  walking up the stairs and crashing onto her bed, she really wanted to cry but for some reason her body refused to allow any tears to fall. Adrien was not a bad person, so what if he hurt Lila it wasn't like she was innocent, and when he hurt Chole's arm he was only standing up for her, hang on how many people has he attacked anyway, Marinette the grabbed her phone and searched up Cat Blanc's attacks, there was of course the news report of Lila's attack but she found something interesting about the others ones she found. They all had a history of at first being totally normal but one day they went completely insane and attacked anyone near them including family members , 'oh my god, ' she thought to herself, he wasn't attacking the people for fun, he was trying to save the people who were being attacked, he wasn't a criminal okay yes he was but he had never hurt anyone unless the person was hurting others, in a way he was kind off a hero. Why didn't the news report this, and more importantly what happened that caused those people to lose their minds, she needed to talk to Adrien about this, and she wasn't waiting until dark, if someone saw Cat Blanc on her balcony they would no doubt suspect the worst and turn him in. She clicked on her messages app and sent Adrien at least three texts, I need to speak with you urgently kitty, I found something out, and please be careful. She waited impatiently for him to respond and after what felt like an eternity but in reality only ten minutes he texted back. Be there as soon as I can, is everything okay? She honestly wasn't sure, and she still felt like she was going to puke, 'what's going on with me, I was perfectly fine earlier? ' she asked herself but she could worry about herself later, she just needed to figure everything out. Moments later her mother came into her room, "honey you have a visitor," Sabine said, and sure enough Adrien was behind her. "Mom could you leave us alone just for a moment, I think I'm going to need some hot tea," Marinette requested and her mother nodded, "are you okay, you look terrible, " Adrien asked feeling her forehead "don't worry about me right now, we need to worry about Lila and what I just found out. " She said handing him her phone and showing him the information she found, his eyes went wide "you weren't attacking all those people just for fun, they went crazy and tried to hurt people they know, do you know what happened to the? " She asked wanting know everything "all I know is that they all claimed that while they were feeling angry or sad a black butterfly appeared and this woman spoke to them and tried to get them to turn on their loved ones, and even those who refused said she was like a earworm and her words never left their head, it drove them to insanity and they attacked their loved ones hoping that she would go away if they did what she wanted, I don't know who this woman is but she's targeting innocent people and making them go crazy. " Adrien explained "i don't understand if you we're trying to save those people why do the police think your a criminal? " She asked, she still didn't understand why the police wanted him locked up "princess families so me attack one of their members and they didn't know anything about what had happened, they just saw someone in a white cat suit attack one of their loved one and before you know it I'm on the police most wanted list. " Adrien explained and then sighed sadly, "don't think this makes me innocent Marinette, I'm not a hero, I hurt all those people instead of trying to help them and many of them ended up needing medical attention. " He teared up at this, because he regretted attacking all those people instead of trying to help them getaway from the lady who was tormenting them, "that may be true but your not a bad person Adrien, I've seen the real you and your not evil. " She told him embracing him, but she didn't do it for long as she once again began to feel really sick, "princess? " he asked as she pulled away "I don't feel well, kitty I think I should.. " she couldn't finish as a wave of nausea came over her and without an explanation she ran to her bathroom and threw up, Adrien was concerned for her so he followed her but out of respect for her privacy he didn't open the door. "Oh man kid, you haven't figured it yet have you? " A voice asked, and a white cat flew out of his jacket "what do you mean Plagg? " Adrien asked his kwami "I mean that I could sense the new life growing inside of her from your jacket, she's not sick you got her pregnant. " Plagg explained and a speechless Adrien wore a blank expression on his face and he honestly thought he was going to faint.

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