Chapter eleven: your dirty little secret

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"No way, he proposed to you!? " Alya exclaimed "yes and my answer was yes, " Marinette said showing Alya the ring on her finger, "oh my gosh my little girl is all grown up, " Alya said giving Marinette a hug and sounding like a mother in the process. "Don't cry now mother Alya, " Marinette joked hugging her bff back, "sorry girl I'm just so happy for you, now we should both hurry before we're both late. " Alya said letting go of Marinette and then walked to class, however when they got there Lila was waiting for them with a huge grin on her face. "Eww its you, " Marinette said disgusted "oh come now Marinette that's no way to treat a friend, " Lila said pushing Alya so she could talk to Marinette "hey what do you think your... " Alya began to say but Lila cut her off "hush four eyes Marinette and I have some catching up to do, and this conversation dosen't concern you. " Lila said giving Alya dark glare "its okay I can deal with this, " Marinette said and a reluctant Alya left the two alone, "what do you want you bitch? " Marinette asked "oh such confidence you have Marinette, I hate to see it go down the drain, " Lila mocked playing with Marinette's hair "don't think I haven't noticed your hair, or that dirty little secret your carrying inside of you. " Lila spat out and Marinette gasped "I know every secret that you've been keeping Marinette and unless you want me to expose your fiance to the police you will do what I say, " Lila threatened and Marinette found herself against the wall "I don't know what your talking about," Marinette said with sweat dripping down her face, how had Lila figured out that she was with Cat Blanc, he was always so careful when he came to visit her at night. "Don't even try lying about it, I have eyes everywhere and I can feel your fear when I talk about him, " Lila said getting uncomfortably close to Marinette, who suddenly came to a realization "it was you, your the one who drove all those people insane, you should be the one locked up. " Marinette said and Lila laughed "your smarter then you look, but since you knew to much I'm going to have to take care of you and your alley cat boyfriend too. " Lila said and the purple brouch she was wearing glowed and a black butterfly flew from it, and landed right on the ring Marinette was wearing, she fell down to her knees trying to fight the control off "no I won't do what you say, I won't let you put him in jail, " Marinette said struggling to keep her thoughts straight "my sweet girl he's nothing but a lying criminal, do you honesty think he would care if something happened to you, he'll just find another girl and forget about you. " Marinette tried not to listen but the words made her heart sting, and eventually she stopped resisted and let the butterfly affect her, "I will do as you wish, " she said in a monotone voice "good and from now on you will be known as Princess Justice, and your goal is to bring the criminal Cat Blanc to justice. " Lila ordered and with no restince left in her, Marinette agreed and a black and purple bubbles covered her body.

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