Chapter three: The sword

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Will was in Vanas, a small town in Bagalia's kingdom. Bagalia is Bancona's biggest kingdom. It is at the center of the island. Bagalia is the commerce Kingdom, where you can find everything and anything. To the most useful tools to the most bizarre objects, if you could think of something, you will be most likely be able to find it somewhere in this kingdom.

The prince left Maldock's forrest in a hurry. He always had the impression that Vi, the dragon, was coming after him, checking to make sure he wouldn't go back to the castle. He still had about two days of travelling to get back to Pelis. Two days left before having to explain why he left in a hurry and came back with nothing.

He found a farrier to check on Phantom, they made a long trip and Will wanted to make sure he didn't exhausted his horse. Has Phantom was taken care of, he checked over his belongings, he still had some food left and water, but he still should buy some to make sure. He had his bag with all his clothes, his sheath... Wait, where was the sword? He started to look around him. Where was it? He had it the whole time, wasn't he? 'Okay, calm down' Will thought 'When was the last time I held it?' In the courtyard. Oh no, he must have dropped it when this freaking dragon threw him away like he was nothing!

Should he go back to get it? It was his favorite sword after all... Only a quick trip back, get the sword and leave. But he left for so long already, Jacob and his parents must be worrying about him by now. He got the idea to send a carrier pigeon to them.

Will wrote his letter to Jacob, it was easier to write to him than to his father. He explained that he couldn't find the castle, remembering what Vi told him before kicking him out. The dragon really did look worried for some reason that the castle would be found...

So he couldn't find the castle, but he unfortunatly forgot his sword in the forrest. He was pretty sure where it was and is going back to find it. He should be gone for another week maybe, but he will come back as soon as possible and he would go back to his prince's responsabilities as soon as he would be back.

He sent the letter and got his horse back from the farrier. He then headed back to the wilderness to find his beloved sword... Only his sword, nothing else... Especially not a really pretty princess. Nope! Only his sword...


Maya was in the courtyard, checking the flowers and vegetables she planted through the years. They all looked great, thanks to Lee's tips. She then noticed something shiny in the back of the yard. She went to see what it was, maybe it's a treasure, she thought curiously. She grabbed the object and was a little disapointed to see that it was only a sword, probably Lou's weapon. She went back in to give it back to her.

Lou, Lee and Vi were in the big hall of the castle, the only room that Vi could fit in. They were talking about something, it seemed serious. Maya overheard some of the conversation.

''...almost got it... little more time.''Lee was explaining.

''...ree years... too long?'' Loucontinued.

''The shield is... long?'' Visaid.

''Hum,Lou I think your lost this.''Maya said from the door, making the others jump in surprise.

''M, sweety, how long have you been here?''Lou asked her, a little nervous.

''Oh I just came back in, I wanted to give you your sword back. It was in the courtyard.''

''Thanks M. Well it's a really nice sword but it's not mine...''

''Really?Then why was it in the yard then?''

''It must be Will's sword then.''Lee explained. ''It would make sense, since he was the last one coming here with a weapon.''

''Do you think we should bring it back to him?''Maya asked, full of hope of seeing her prince again.

''NO!''The three others snapped at the same time.

''Too bad for him'' Vi said ''he only had to be more careful with is belongings.''

''And it looks great'' Lou added ''I want to keep it.''

''That settles it, we keep the sword!''

''But...What if the sword is important to him?''Maya asked sadly. ''Why is nobody ever listening to me?'' She then ran upstairs, the sword still in her hands.

''We should tell her the truth.''Lou whispered.

''You know we can't, we had an agreement with his father to not tell her until we figure it out.'' Lee insisted.

''I know but she looks so sad... Even more now. This prince really got into her for some reason.''

''You know what will happen if she gets out of the protecting shield I casted around this castle.'' Vi added.

''I know, I know... I'm just trying to find a way to make her happy again...''

''I will then go back to my research for this protective necklace. Like I said, I almost figured out. It is not easy to put this powerful magic in something this small...''

''Alright then...''

 They all went different ways : Lee back in her librairy to find a way to do her task, Vi in the courtyard to spread their wings a little and Lou went upstairs to try to cheer up the young princess.  

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