Chapter four: The truth

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Vi was lying down in the sun, almost falling asleep when they felt something. they put their head back up, listening. Was that a horse? Not again? They looked up at Maya's bedroom window, making sure she wasn't looking this way. Vi climbed the wall gracefully, ready to scare any intruders away. They saw Will in the distance, on his horse. A white horse! Such a cliché for an overly dramatic prince! They went over the wall and stood tall in front of the gate.

''What do you want? I told you to NOT come back!''

''I know, but I dropped my beloved sword when you so carefully threw me out. I wanted to get it back.''

''Only the sword? Nothing more?''

''No..nothing more..'' Will stuttered.

''Mhmm...Let me get it back for you. Wait right here!''

Vi turned around and saw Maya going out of the gate. They widened their eyes has Maya made her first step outside. ''GET BACK IN NOW!''

''Vi, relax I'm only giving him back his sword and I go back in right away.''

''No you don't understand! You have to go back in now!''

''It's just a few steps'' Will pleaded  ''I can get closed to her if you want.''


*at the same time in the castle*

A bright light escape the librairy as Lee screamed in victory. Lou rushed to her.


''YESSSS girl! Now let's get Maya and give it to her so we can finally leave this place. Where is she?''

''I thought you were with her...''

''Hum no... I thought she was in her room...''


''Oh no!'' They both ran downstairs to the gate.


''Okay Vi, I'm going back in, jeez, sorry!'' Maya pouted.

But she didn't make it to the door, because some dark smoke blocked the way. Vi was about to throw some fire at the smoke, but was stopped in their movement as a strange man, wearing a black cloak with dark blue lining, held Maya thightly close to him with one hand and was holding a golden staff in the other. The red gem on top of it was shining.

''Well ,well, well. Look who finally decided to go out of her little bubble'' the stranger said. ''It was about time, do you know how long I waited for this moment?''

''LET HER GO!'' Vi screamed, fire at the back of their throat.

''No thanks, I will bring her back with me now.''

''STOP!!''Lee and Lou shouted, out of breath.

''Too late now girls, bye~ ''

Black smoke started to surround him and Maya. She screamed in fear, not knowing what to do. Lou ran for her, but she was too far. Luckily for Maya, Will was close enough and ready to fight. He pushed her away and grabbed the stranger's collar.

''Now listen you weird freak...''

They didn't hear the end since the sorcerer and the prince vanished in the smoke, leaving nothing behind them. Maya was still panting on the ground and Phantom went beside her, sniffing the ground where his knight was a second ago.

''What... Who... How?'' Maya stuttered, carressing Phantom's head.

''Let's go back inside and explain everything. There is a lot to say and a lot to do.'' Lee calmy explained.

''We have to save him!''

''It's not safe to go ....''

''But he saved me! We can't abandon him like that!''Maya  said in an enchanting voice, making the three others nod their heads.

''...You're right'' Lee agreed ''but first let's explain everything. How much time do we have Vi?''

''Teleportation is not an easy magical ability to do, even harder since he had to teleport someone else with him. I don't think he will be able to come back here before tomorrow night.''

''Let's get our stuffs ready then.'' Lou said.

''You two can go, I don't have much belongings so I can explain everything to M.'' Vi said as they climbed the wall to go back in the courtyard.


Felix drawing by Peej

Felix drawing by Peej

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