Chapter nineteen: To Pelis

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They were all back in Lee's room the next day to get ready to go to Egium kindgom. They were having a heated conversation on whether to get a cart and horses or not.

''If you want me to keep my sanity'' Lee insited ''we have to get a cart.''

''But it's kind of expensive...'' Vi added.

''And besides'' Will said ''walking is fine!''

Lee gave him a deadly stare, crossing her arms. Lou looked at the scholar that was always calm and asked Will, teasingly ''Gosh Princey, what have you done those three days to make her hate you that much? She has a deadlier stare than I do!''

''Why is it MY fault exaclty?''

''Well, you were complaining a little on our way here...'' Maya recalled.

''A little!?'' Lee grunted. ''It wasn't only a 'little'. He was acting like a whiny baby!''

''Okay now'' Adam said with his hands up ''I know someone that wanted to get rid of his cart. I'm sure he can sell it for a good price. I will go speak to him and see.''

They all agreed and Adam left with Lee to make sure she wouldn't end the prince's life. Will complained to Maya that he wasn't a baby. Maya was trying not to laugh when Vi told Will that to not look like a baby, it was better to not hit the floor with his foot.... Like a kid throwing a tantrum. Will sat on the bed, crossing his arms on his chest and pouted ''I am not a baby! I'm a grown chivalrous knight!''

''Of course you are, big boy.'' Lou said jokingly.

That make Maya and Vi laugh really hard. Lou joined them and after a few seconds, Will couldn't keep the act of the offended prince and laugh a little too. He had to confess that he did complain a lot during the trip... But he was under lots of stress! It wasn't totally his fault, isn't it?

The two scholars soon came back with a cart dragged by two horses. Turns out Adam's friend was more than happy to give him his cart at a really low price when Adam reminded him of a certain event of the past. Lee was not sure to really understand that, but atleast they had a cart. So that meant Will would stay on his horse while they would be able to all be in the cart and not having to walk. It was atleast a one week trip to get to Pelis, Will's hometown.

Everyone got ready and the two scholars decided to give away their keys to their rooms and brought all their stuffs with them. Lee was too far behind in her studies now to her liking. She didn' want to start all over again and Adam was taking classes for the seek of taking classes. He didn't mind stopping them now. Vi and Lou agreed to bring all of their stuffs to their old castle and meet them back later on. They planned to meet in Badar, Bagalia's main city.

The rest of the trip went well. Will almost didn't complain, Lee's stares always made him stop anyway. When they arrived at Pelis, Egium's maincity, they were stunned by the magnificence of the castle. It had several high towers and was build into the side of a big mountain. Lou couldn't help herself to tease the prince a little ''So now I understand why you are so extra all the time, Will!''

Will stuck his tongue out at her, Maya gave her a small nudge on the arm while laughing a bit. The other agreed, it did make sense after all. They left the horses and cart in the castle's stable and headed to the throne room where Will's parents most likely were. On their way up, Will was abruptly put into a hug by two other men. Jacob is servant and Philip his little brother.

''Brother, you're alive!''

''You were gone for so long, we were worrying sick!''

''Hey guys, I'm happy to see you too! Sorry about that, I've encounted some... problems, but they rescued me and now I'm back!''

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