Chapter seventeen: Travelling by foot

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Lee was at the verge of a murdering spree. Three days. Three unbelievably long and horrible days! Having to listen to Will complaining how long the trip was. How his feet hurted. How he couldn't wait to sleep in a really bed. Maya thought it was ''cute''and ''funny''. God love do blind, doesn't it!? The only thing that was keeping Lee sane was the fact that they were almost there. They reached Boroks' borders this moring so in the afternoon she will be able to finally relax in her room. Her room. She didn't step a foot in her room since three years ago. She wondered if they gave it to another scholar. Keeping an empty room for that long was not really efficient after all. Maybe he kept it for her... Oh god, she really was exhausted, wasn't she? To think that he would still wait for her... After what she did? Come on girl, you know better...

Maya was back on Phantom. Will did insist greatly, what kind of prince charming would he be if he let her princess walk while he was on his horse? When Maya saw how Lee was trying not to kill the man, she agreed. She thought he was funny. And cute too. Yes he was complaining a little, but it was understandable, she was getting tired of all this travelling too. But atleast soon she will be back home... Three years that she left. She wondered how her parents were doing. And her sister too, she was sixteen years now... The age Maya was when she got ''kidnapped'' by Vi... 'Are they really missing me? Maybe they forgot about me... No let's not think about this.' When she will be back, they will be really happy to see her... right?

When they stopped for lunch, Will was so glad to finally be able to relax his feet for a bit. Do you imagine? Three days! Walking! That was not an acceptable way of transportation for a prince! And he couldn't spend all the time on his horse. Her princess needed to relax too. Her princess... At least he hoped she was. She was funny and smart, but also a powerful sorcerer. Did a girl like her would fall for a guy like him? Of course she would! He is the great Prince Will Goldhill! His knight in shining armor! 'But she saved you, not the other way around... Yes, she did save me, so that means she loves me, right?... Right!?'

They reached their destination in the middle of the afternoon. They were greated by the Principal of Lee's school. The same Principal Maya's father talked to. ''Lee Currie? Is that really you? Oh dear, finally!''

''Hi Principal. Yes it took longer than I originally thought, but we did it! We also had to make a small detour to help Prince Goldhill here.'' 

''It took, what, three years? Atleast that much. Being surrounded by magic this whole time most have been hard, Lee. Well now that you have solved this problem of hers, you can resume your studies here any time you want.''

Maya looked a bit hurt after what the Principal said. It was odd how he said the word 'problem' while looking at Maya. But it was not the time to wonder about that. What they needed now was a bed and a bath!

''Is there any guest rooms available?'' Lee asked. ''We desperatly need a good night sleep.''

''Oh of course! I can get you a nice little room for you two...''

''Hum'' Will interupted ''I think seperate rooms would be more apropriate, Sir.''

''You are such a gentleman, Prince Goldhill.''

''We just met'' Maya argued ''I also think it's the normal thin gto...''

''Right this way my Royal guests!''

The Principal lead Will and Maya to their rooms, leaving Lee alone with Phantom. She sighed, took the leash and went to find the stable. Phantom needed some caring after all this travelling. She asked if someone could bring their belongings to the Prince and Princess for her, she felt too exhausted to transport everything there. One of the scholar kindly accepted and carried everything back to the royal guests.

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