Chapter sixteen: The end?

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Lou jumped on the window frame and put her hand out for Vi to grab ''Vi, Let's go! ''


''OUT! He is flying away, let's catch him!''

''.... Your kidding right?''

''Come on! It was freaking awesome, we can do that too!''

''Are you crazy!? I'm not jumping out a window!''

''I'm not crazy, I'm amazing! And why not?''


''You won't if you change your form back while jumping!''


''Wait, Vi?'' Will asked ''you're the dragon? But you don't look like a dragon?''

''Thanks Captain obvious.''

''But what are you? A dragon witch or something?''

''.... No I'm a shapeshifter. What's a dragon witch anyway?''

''Don't try to change to subject with you Sides references'' Lou interjected ''LET'S GO!''

''You all need to chill'' Lee commanded ''we are not jumping into the unknown without previously discussing a plan.''

''Hihihi'' Maya laughed ''jumping into the unknown? Lee, you're so funny.''

Everybody looked at Maya. She was still that small cute little princess, but there was so many energy irradiating from her. It was intimidating. Lee handed her back the necklace and asked how she was feeling.

''Powerful? Whole? It's... weird, but at the same time it feels right, if that makes sense?''

''It does.'' Vi and Lou said at the same time, holding each other's hand.

They settle on what they should do next. They all agreed that they had to bring Will and Maya back to their family. They will most likely need to help Maya train her new earned powers too.

Will also told them what he learned from Felix : His 'master' that wanted Maya's power for some evil plan, the fact that there was two other people in the ''evil team'' has he liked to call them. That made Maya worries, but they all reassured her that they will always protect her. Even if they are bringing her back to her parents, they are not leaving her alone. Like they said, they would help her to learn how to use her abilities.

Vi was reluctant to go back to her hometown. She didn't miss anyone there, but Lee needed informations to proprely train the younger sorcerer. She agreed to go only after Lou said she would go with them. They would both go to Lou's hometown afterward so she could give the quite long report on her assignment. They would then stop by their old castle to grab what they left behind and meet the three others at Lee's hometown. They would then all go to Egium, first to Will's hometown and then, finally, bring Maya back home.

Before leaving, Lee seached for the old parchment of the spell Felix used. She didn't want it to end in bad hands again. She found it on the desk in his room and some food and water in the small kitchen.

When Will saw is noble Phantom tied up to a tree, he ran to it and gave it a big hug. He didn't notice how much he missed his horse until he saw it again.

''How are you doing big guy?'' Will told him in a childish voice.''Did they feed you well? Did they take good care of you?''

''We did'' Lee answered ''you could have ask us, you know?''

''But I missed him sooo much! Did you miss me Phantom? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Yes you did! Yes you did!''

While Will was talking to his horse, Lou and Vi packed up their belongings and got ready to go on their way. Maya then remembered that she still had Will's sword in her backpack. She put it out and gave it back to the prince. He thanked her loudly and hugged her. When he realised what he did, he pulled back, flushing red and mumbled an apology. Maya was almost has red as him. Lou gave them a knowing look and hugged Maya too before saying her goodbyes. Vi whispered something in Maya's ear, making her giggle. They summoned abig and long chain and shapeshifted back into their dragon form,making the chain goes around their neck so Lou could tie up their stuffs on it and also hold on to it while they would fly to Kenanau. Lou climbed on Vi's back and they took off, heading for Iztoro's kingdom that was not too far away from their current location.

 Lee double checked that they didn't forget anything, Will helped Maya to get on Phantom's back and they walked their way to Boroks' kindgom. But after less than an hour, They had to switch place, Will was definitly not use of walking... He didn't want to switch, but Lee whispered in Maya's ear that she was tired of hearing him complain so she used her puppy eyes to convince the prince to get on Phantom's back.

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